Wt  4.11.3
Wt::Auth::Dbo::AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Wt::Auth::Dbo::AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType >, including all inherited members.

AuthIdentity()Wt::Auth::Dbo::AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType >
AuthIdentity(const std::string &provider, const WString &identity)Wt::Auth::Dbo::AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType >
authInfo() constWt::Auth::Dbo::AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType >
Dbo()Wt::Dbo::Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > >
Dbo(const Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > > &other)Wt::Dbo::Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > >
id() constWt::Dbo::Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > >
isDirty() constWt::Dbo::Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > >
persist(Action &a)Wt::Auth::Dbo::AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType >
self() constWt::Dbo::Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > >
session() constWt::Dbo::Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > >
setDirty()Wt::Dbo::Dbo< AuthIdentity< AuthInfoType > >