Wt  4.11.3
Wt::WPainter Member List

This is the complete list of members for Wt::WPainter, including all inherited members.

begin(WPaintDevice *device)Wt::WPainter
brush() constWt::WPainter
ChangeFlag typedefWt::WPainter
clipPath() constWt::WPainter
combinedTransform() constWt::WPainter
device() constWt::WPainter
drawArc(const WRectF &rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle)Wt::WPainter
drawArc(double x, double y, double width, double height, int startAngle, int spanAngle)Wt::WPainter
drawChord(const WRectF &rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle)Wt::WPainter
drawChord(double x, double y, double width, double height, int startAngle, int spanAngle)Wt::WPainter
drawEllipse(const WRectF &rectangle)Wt::WPainter
drawEllipse(double x, double y, double width, double height)Wt::WPainter
drawImage(const WPointF &point, const Image &image)Wt::WPainter
drawImage(const WPointF &point, const Image &image, const WRectF &sourceRect)Wt::WPainter
drawImage(const WRectF &rect, const Image &image)Wt::WPainter
drawImage(const WRectF &rect, const Image &image, const WRectF &sourceRect)Wt::WPainter
drawImage(double x, double y, const Image &image, double sx=0, double sy=0, double sw=-1, double sh=-1)Wt::WPainter
drawLine(const WLineF &line)Wt::WPainter
drawLine(const WPointF &p1, const WPointF &p2)Wt::WPainter
drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)Wt::WPainter
drawLines(const WLineF *lines, int lineCount)Wt::WPainter
drawLines(const WPointF *pointPairs, int lineCount)Wt::WPainter
drawLines(const std::vector< WLineF > &lines)Wt::WPainter
drawLines(const std::vector< WPointF > &pointPairs)Wt::WPainter
drawPath(const WPainterPath &path)Wt::WPainter
drawPie(const WRectF &rectangle, int startAngle, int spanAngle)Wt::WPainter
drawPie(double x, double y, double width, double height, int startAngle, int spanAngle)Wt::WPainter
drawPoint(const WPointF &position)Wt::WPainter
drawPoint(double x, double y)Wt::WPainter
drawPoints(const WPointF *points, int pointCount)Wt::WPainter
drawPolygon(const WPointF *points, int pointCount)Wt::WPainter
drawPolyline(const WPointF *points, int pointCount)Wt::WPainter
drawRect(const WRectF &rectangle)Wt::WPainter
drawRect(double x, double y, double width, double height)Wt::WPainter
drawRects(const WRectF *rectangles, int rectCount)Wt::WPainter
drawRects(const std::vector< WRectF > &rectangles)Wt::WPainter
drawStencilAlongPath(const WPainterPath &stencil, const WPainterPath &path, bool softClipping=false)Wt::WPainter
drawText(const WRectF &rect, WFlags< AlignmentFlag > alignmentFlags, TextFlag textFlag, const WString &text, const WPointF *clipPoint=nullptr)Wt::WPainter
drawText(const WRectF &rectangle, WFlags< AlignmentFlag > flags, const WString &text)Wt::WPainter
drawText(double x, double y, double width, double height, WFlags< AlignmentFlag > flags, const WString &text)Wt::WPainter
drawText(double x, double y, double width, double height, WFlags< AlignmentFlag > alignmentFlags, TextFlag textFlag, const WString &text)Wt::WPainter
fillPath(const WPainterPath &path, const WBrush &brush)Wt::WPainter
fillRect(const WRectF &rectangle, const WBrush &brush)Wt::WPainter
fillRect(double x, double y, double width, double height, const WBrush &brush)Wt::WPainter
font() constWt::WPainter
hasClipping() constWt::WPainter
isActive() constWt::WPainter
pen() constWt::WPainter
renderHints() constWt::WPainter
rotate(double angle)Wt::WPainter
scale(double sx, double sy)Wt::WPainter
setBrush(const WBrush &brush)Wt::WPainter
setClipPath(const WPainterPath &clipPath)Wt::WPainter
setClipping(bool enable)Wt::WPainter
setFont(const WFont &font)Wt::WPainter
setPen(const WPen &pen)Wt::WPainter
setRenderHint(RenderHint hint, bool on=true)Wt::WPainter
setShadow(const WShadow &shadow)Wt::WPainter
setViewPort(const WRectF &viewPort)Wt::WPainter
setViewPort(double x, double y, double width, double height)Wt::WPainter
setWindow(const WRectF &window)Wt::WPainter
setWindow(double x, double y, double width, double height)Wt::WPainter
setWorldTransform(const WTransform &matrix, bool combine=false)Wt::WPainter
shadow() constWt::WPainter
strokePath(const WPainterPath &path, const WPen &pen)Wt::WPainter
translate(const WPointF &offset)Wt::WPainter
translate(double dx, double dy)Wt::WPainter
viewPort() constWt::WPainter
window() constWt::WPainter
worldTransform() constWt::WPainter
WPainter(WPaintDevice *device)Wt::WPainter