Wt  4.11.3
Installing Wt with SAML support on Windows


These instructions were derived from the Windows build instruction for Shibboleth SP: https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SP3/WindowsBuild

These steps describe how I (Roel Standaert) built it on Windows with the Visual Studio 2017 toolset:

Get dependencies

Create your ROOT_DIR to put everything in, e.g.:


Git, if installed into its default location is fine for the SED dependency.

Get Perl

Netwide Assembler (for OpenSSL): https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.15.05/win64/nasm-2.15.05-installer-x64.exe

git clone https://git.shibboleth.net/git/cpp-msbuild
cd cpp-msbuild
git checkout 5fca76fcfe36aa3a37220a2e5f033677b8688479
cd ..
git clone https://git.shibboleth.net/git/cpp-xmltooling -b 3.2.0
git clone https://git.shibboleth.net/git/cpp-opensaml -b 3.2.0

Get log4shib:

git clone https://git.shibboleth.net/git/cpp-log4shib
cd cpp-log4shib
REM master at time of writing (2.0.0 release has issues):
git checkout ed0436600d5315e8795a35079548abe157700756
cd ..

Get zlib, put zlib-1.2.11 folder in ROOT_DIR.

Get OpenSSL, and unpack it in ROOT_DIR.

Get curl, and unpack it in ROOT_DIR.

Get Xerces C++, and unpack it in ROOT_DIR

Get XmlSecurity, and unpack it in ROOT_DIR

Dependency configuration

Had to uncomment in cpp-msbuild/env.make:

# !if "$(SED)" == ""
# SED=sed
# !endif

Change ROOT_DIR, e.g.:

set ROOT_DIR=C:\Users\roel\libraries\saml\

Note the trailing slash!

Modify <tt>cpp-msbuild/dependencies/config.bat</tt>

Under :path_done:

Add Perl and NASM:

REM Set Perl and nasm
set PERL=c:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\NASM

Change OpenSSL:

set OPENSSL_DIR=openssl-1.1.1j
REM j is the tenth letter of the alphabet, hence 10

Change Curl:


XmlSecurity is already fine

Zlib is already fine

Change Log4shib:

set LOG4SHIB_DIR=cpp-log4shib

Xerces is already fine

This corresponds to Visual Studio 2017:

SET MsVCVersionNum=15

OpenSSL modifications

Add the OpenSSL subversion in Configurations/10-main.conf:

multilib => "_1_10-x64",

Duplicate the whole setting to a new target "VC-WIN64AD", this time add D to the multilib:

"VC-WIN64AD" => {
inherit_from => [ "VC-WIN64-common", asm("x86_64_asm"),
sub { $disabled{shared} ? () : "x86_64_uplink" } ],
AS => sub { vc_win64a_info()->{AS} },
ASFLAGS => sub { vc_win64a_info()->{ASFLAGS} },
asoutflag => sub { vc_win64a_info()->{asoutflag} },
asflags => sub { vc_win64a_info()->{asflags} },
sys_id => "WIN64A",
bn_asm_src => sub { return undef unless @_;
my $r=join(" ",@_); $r=~s|asm/x86_64-gcc|bn_asm|; $r; },
perlasm_scheme => "auto",
multilib => "_1_10D-x64",

We won't do the 32 bit build.

Building dependencies

Launch "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017" and go to the ROOT_DIR.

cd cpp-msbuild\dependencies
nmake /f dependency.make openssl
REM got winsock2.h include error
REM opened sln file for log4shib in Visual Studio and
REM retargeted to one of the Windows SDK versions I had
nmake /f dependency.make log4shib
nmake /f dependency.make zlib
nmake /f dependency.make xerces
nmake /f dependency.make curl
REM needed MFC installed for afxres.h
nmake /f dependency.make xsec

Building OpenSAML

Create BuildPath.props in ROOT_DIR:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">

Update cpp-msbuild/Versions.props:

I left the GUIDs intact for now, but maybe they should be changed?

Curl (7.74.0 to 7.75.0):

<PropertyGroup Label="CurlGuidsBad" Condition="'$(LIBCURL_FILE_VERSION)' != '9'">
<!-- Changing LIBCURL_FILE_VERSION version requires changing the GUIDs since it is garnish on the name -->
<PropertyGroup Label="CurlGuids" Condition="'$(LIBCURL_FILE_VERSION)' == '9'">
<CurlVersion Condition="'$(LIBCURL_DIR)'!=''">$(LIBCURL_VERSION)</CurlVersion>
<CurlVersion Condition="'$(LIBCURL_DIR)'==''">7.75.0</CurlVersion>
<curl Condition="'$(LIBCURL_DIR)'!=''">$(LIBCURL_DIR)</curl>
<curl Condition="'$(LIBCURL_DIR)'==''">curl-$(CurlVersion)</curl>

OpenSSL (1.1.1i to 1.1.1j):

<PropertyGroup Label="OpenSSLGeneral">
<!-- Just for now -->
<openssl Condition="'$(OPENSSL_DIR)'==''">openssl-1.1.1j</openssl>
<openssl Condition="'$(OPENSSL_DIR)'!=''">$(OPENSSL_DIR)</openssl>
<PropertyGroup Label="OpenSSLGuidsBad" Condition="'$(OPENSSL_FILE_VERSION)' != '1_1_1_10'">
<!-- Changing OPENSSL_FILE_VERSION version requires changing the GUIDs since it is garnish on the name -->
<PropertyGroup Label="OpenSSLGuids" Condition="'$(OPENSSL_FILE_VERSION)' == '1_1_1_10'">
<!-- Change the 8 components below iff OpenSSLFileVersion changes -->

Fixing up log4shib path:

<PropertyGroup Label="Log4ShibGeneral">
<!-- Just for now -->
<Log4ShibVersion Condition="'$(LOG4SHIB_MM_VERSION)' == ''">2.0.0</Log4ShibVersion>
<Log4ShibVersion Condition="'$(LOG4SHIB_MM_VERSION)' != ''">$(LOG4SHIB_MM_VERSION)</Log4ShibVersion>
<PropertyGroup Label="Log4ShibGuidsBad" Condition="'$(LOG4SHIB_FILE_VERSION)' != '2_0'">
<!-- Changing LOG4SHIB_FILE_VERSION version requires changing the GUIDs since it is garnish on the name -->
<PropertyGroup Label="Log4ShibGuids" Condition="'$(LOG4SHIB_FILE_VERSION)' == '2_0'">
<!-- Change the 4 components below if the Log4ShibFileVersion name changes -->

Other versions seem fine...

Using boost_1_74_0: Download zipfile and unpack it in the ROOT_DIR. Header only is fine?

Need to retarget xmltooling and opensaml!

Add env variable DEBUG_INSTALLER, set it to YES

nmake /f build.make saml64

Collecting all headers and libraries

This is how I went about adding all libraries and headers to an install dir. Some parts I did in git bash because I'm not very familiar with cmd.exe. This may not be necessary if you go through the painstaking process of setting all of the correct include and lib directories when configuring Wt.

mkdir install-dir
mkdir install-dir\lib
mkdir install-dir\bin
mkdir install-dir\include
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-opensaml\Build\VC15\x64\Debug\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-opensaml\Build\VC15\x64\Debug\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-opensaml\Build\VC15\x64\Release\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-opensaml\Build\VC15\x64\Release\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin\
cd cpp-opensaml/saml
for f in $(find . -name '*.h'); do dir=$(dirname $f); mkdir -p ../../install-dir/include/saml/$dir; cp $f ../../install-dir/include/saml/$dir/; done
cd ../..
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-xmltooling\Build\VC15\x64\Debug\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-xmltooling\Build\VC15\x64\Debug\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-xmltooling\Build\VC15\x64\Release\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-xmltooling\Build\VC15\x64\Release\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin\
cd cpp-xmltooling/xmltooling
for f in $(find . -name '*.h'); do dir=$(dirname $f); mkdir -p ../../install-dir/include/xmltooling/$dir; cp $f ../../install-dir/include/xmltooling/$dir/; done
cd ../..
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-log4shib\msvc15\x64\Debug\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-log4shib\msvc15\x64\Debug\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-log4shib\msvc15\x64\Release\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib\
copy %ROOT_DIR%\cpp-log4shib\msvc15\x64\Release\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin\
cd cpp-log4shib/include
cp -r log4shib ../../install-dir/include
cd ../..
copy %ROOT_DIR%\xml-security-c-2.0.2\Build\x64\VC15\"Debug Minimal"\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib
copy %ROOT_DIR%\xml-security-c-2.0.2\Build\x64\VC15\"Debug Minimal"\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
copy %ROOT_DIR%\xml-security-c-2.0.2\Build\x64\VC15\"Release Minimal"\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib
copy %ROOT_DIR%\xml-security-c-2.0.2\Build\x64\VC15\"Release Minimal"\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
cd xml-security-c-2.0.2/xsec
for f in $(find . -name '*.h' -or -name '*.hpp'); do dir=$(dirname $f); mkdir -p ../../install-dir/include/xsec/$dir; cp $f ../../install-dir/include/xsec/$dir/; done
cd ../..
copy %ROOT_DIR%\xerces-c-3.2.3\Install64\VC15\lib\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib
copy %ROOT_DIR%\xerces-c-3.2.3\Install64\VC15\bin\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
cp -r xerces-c-3.2.3/Install64/VC15/include/xercesc install-dir/include/
cp -r xerces-c-3.2.3/Install64/VC15/cmake install-dir/lib/
copy %ROOT_DIR%\zlib-1.2.11\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib
copy %ROOT_DIR%\zlib-1.2.11\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
copy %ROOT_DIR%\zlib-1.2.11\*.h %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\include
copy %ROOT_DIR%\curl-7.75.0\builds\libcurl-vc15-x64-debug-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll-ipv6-sspi\lib\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib
copy %ROOT_DIR%\curl-7.75.0\builds\libcurl-vc15-x64-debug-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll-ipv6-sspi\bin\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
copy %ROOT_DIR%\curl-7.75.0\builds\libcurl-vc15-x64-release-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll-ipv6-sspi\lib\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib
copy %ROOT_DIR%\curl-7.75.0\builds\libcurl-vc15-x64-release-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll-ipv6-sspi\bin\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
copy %ROOT_DIR%\openssl-1.1.1j\*.lib %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\lib
copy %ROOT_DIR%\openssl-1.1.1j\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
copy %ROOT_DIR%\openssl-1.1.1j\x64Debug\bin\*.dll %ROOT_DIR%\install-dir\bin
cp -r openssl-1.1.1j/include/* install-dir/include/

Configuring Wt

You need to set ENABLE_SAML to ON when configuring Wt. You can use SAML_ROOT to set the SAML prefix:

cmake path\to\sources -DENABLE_SAML=ON -DSAML_ROOT=path\to\saml\prefix