Wt for Windows uses the built-in web server connector or the ISAPI connector. The fastcgi connector is not supported. The built-in web server is more convenient during development and is easier to setup than the ISAPI connector. It is also designed for production environments, where it is often used in combination with a reverse proxy server. To use the built-in server, you have to link your projects against libwt and libwthttp. To use the ISAPI connector, you have to link to libwtisapi instead of libwthttp.
Additional and optional requirements for some of the examples
We stronly recommend to use libraries which are all built using the same compiler and the same runtime configuration (/MT, /MD, /MTd or /MDd) to avoid incompatibilities with the C runtime libraries. Mixing CRTs is NOT recommended, the zlib DLL FAQ clearly explains why and what you should do about it (in short: use prebuilt libraries for the exact same compiler as you use, and if those are not available, rebuild the dependency libraries from the sources).
--http-address= --http-port=8080 --deploy-path=/hello --docroot=.
This will start a httpd server listening on all local interfaces, on port 8080, and you may browse the example at
Examples that need extra files to run, should be executed from their source directory in order to find their dependency files (icons, css files, etc. Watch for 404 errors in Wt's output). To do so, set the 'Working directory' for the example to wt-x.y.z/examples/ExampleName. Some examples (e.g. the wt home page) need the 'resources' directory to work correctly. Copy the wt-2.x.x/resources to the example's source directory to solve this problem. Other examples (such as the Charts example) may require the installation of ExtJs. See the Wt reference manual for more information on how to obtain and install ExtJs.
These are all the command-line options that are available (run the examples with --help to see the most recent list of available options):
General options: -h [ --help ] produce help message -t [ --threads ] arg (=-1) number of threads (-1 indicates that num_threads from wt_config.xml is to be used, which defaults to 10) --servername arg (=diffie) servername (IP address or DNS name) --docroot arg document root for static files, optionally followed by a comma-separated list of paths with static files (even if they are within a deployment path), after a ';' e.g. --docroot=".;/favicon.ico,/resourc es,/style" --approot arg application root for private support files; if unspecified, the value of the environment variable $WT_APP_ROOT is used, or else the current working directory --errroot arg root for error pages --accesslog arg access log file (defaults to stdout), to disable access logging completely, use --accesslog=- --no-compression do not use compression --deploy-path arg (=/) location for deployment --session-id-prefix arg prefix for session IDs (overrides wt_config.xml setting) -p [ --pid-file ] arg path to pid file (optional) -c [ --config ] arg location of wt_config.xml; if unspecified, the value of the environment variable $WT_CONFIG_XML is used, or else the built-in default (c:/witty/wt_config.xml) is tried, or else built-in defaults are used --max-memory-request-size arg (=131072) threshold for request size (bytes), for spooling the entire request to disk, to avoid DoS --gdb do not shutdown when receiving Ctrl-C (and let gdb break instead) HTTP/WebSocket server options: --http-address arg IPv4 (e.g. or IPv6 Address (e.g. 0::0). You must specify either this option or --https-address (or both) --http-port arg (=80) HTTP port (e.g. 80) HTTPS/Secure WebSocket server options: --https-address arg IPv4 (e.g. or IPv6 Address (e.g. 0::0). You must specify either this option or --http-address (or both) --https-port arg (=443) HTTPS port (e.g. 443) --ssl-certificate arg SSL server certificate chain file e.g. "/etc/ssl/certs/vsign1.pem" --ssl-private-key arg SSL server private key file e.g. "/etc/ssl/private/company.pem" --ssl-tmp-dh arg File for temporary Diffie-Hellman parameters e.g. "/etc/ssl/dh512.pem" --ssl-enable-v3 Switch on SSLv3 support (not recommended; disabled by default) --ssl-client-verification arg (=none) The verification mode for client certificates. This is either 'none', 'optional' or 'required'. When 'none', the server will not request a client certificate. When 'optional', the server will request a certificate, but the client does not have to supply one. With 'required', the connection will be terminated if the client does not provide a valid certificate. --ssl-verify-depth arg (=1) Specifies the maximum length of the server certificate chain. --ssl-ca-certificates arg Path to a file containing the concatenated trusted CA certificates, which can be used to authenticate the client. The file should contains a a number of PEM-encoded certificates. --ssl-cipherlist arg List of acceptable ciphers for SSL. This list is passed as-is to the SSL layer, so see openssl for the proper syntax. When empty, the default acceptable cipher list will be used. Example cipher list string: "TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2" --ssl-prefer-server-ciphers arg (=0) By default, the client's preference is used for determining the cipher that is choosen during a SSL or TLS handshake. By enabling this option, the server's preference will be used.