CAddresseeEdit | An edit field for an email addressee |
CAttachment | An email attachment |
▼CAttachmentEdit | An edit field for an email attachment |
CUploadInfo | |
CCategoryExample | A Widget that demonstrates a category chart |
CCharacter | A Matrix character that takes red and/or blue pills |
▼CChartConfig | A class that allows configuration of a cartesian chart |
CAxisControl | Struct that holds the controls for one axis |
CSeriesControl | Struct that holds the controls for one series |
CChartsApplication | |
CChartsExample | A widget that demonstrates various aspects of the charting lib |
CChatApplication | A chat demo application |
CChatEvent | Encapsulate a chat event |
CChatWidget | A chat application widget |
CComposeExample | Main widget of the Composer example |
CComposer | An E-mail composer widget |
CContact | An email contact |
CContactSuggestions | A suggestion popup suggesting contacts from an addressbook |
CCountDownWidget | A widget which displays a decrementing number |
CDeferredWidget | |
CDemoTreeList | A demonstration of the treelist |
CDragExample | Class demonstrating drag and drop in Wt |
CExampleSourceViewer | A simple widget to visualise a set of example source files |
CFileEditDialog | A dialog for editing a 'file' |
CFileItem | WStandardItem which stores a file |
CFileModel | A specialized standard item model which report a specific drag and drop mime type |
CFileTreeTable | A tree table that displays a file tree |
CFileTreeTableNode | A single node in a file tree table |
CFolderView | A specialized treeview that supports a custom drop event |
CForm | A simple Form |
CFormExample | Main widget for the Form example |
▼CGit | Git utility class for browsing git archives |
CException | Exception class |
CObject | Git object |
CObjectId | Git object Id |
▼CGitModel | A model that retrieves revision trees from a git repository |
CChildIndex | Index usable as a key to a map, that identifies a child/row within a tree |
CTree | Used to uniquely locate a folder within the folder hierarchy |
CGitViewApplication | A simple application to navigate a git repository |
CHangmanGame | |
CHangmanWidget | |
CHelloApplication | |
CHighScoresWidget | |
CHome | |
CIconPair | An icon pair (identical to WIconPair) |
CImagesWidget | |
CJavascriptExample | An example showing how to interact custom JavaScript with Wt stuff |
CJWtHome | |
CLabel | A label |
CLang | |
CLettersWidget | |
CNumericItem | |
COption | A clickable option |
COptionList | A list of options, separated by '|' |
CPaintApplication | |
CPaintExample | |
CPanelList | |
CPieExample | A Widget that demonstrates a Pie chart |
CPopup | A JavaScript based popup window, encapsulating the Javascript functions alert(), confirm(), and prompt() |
CPopupChatWidget | A popup chat widget |
CScatterPlotExample | A Widget that demonstrates a scatter plot |
CSession | |
CShapesWidget | |
▼CSimpleChatServer | A simple chat server |
CClient | |
CClientInfo | |
CSimpleChatWidget | A self-contained chat widget |
CSourceView | View class for source code |
CTimeSeriesExample | A widget that demonstrates a times series chart |
CTreeNode | Example implementation of a single tree list node |
CTreeViewDragDrop | Main application class |
CUser | |
CWordWidget | |
CWtHome | |