Class WCartesian3DChart

public class WCartesian3DChart
extends WGLWidget
A 3D Cartesian chart.

The chart consists of a plotcube, which is always open on the front, and adapts to the data which is shown on the chart. The plotcube has three axes of type WAxis. Each of these can be manually configured as in the 2D case. The chart can be either a ScatterPlot or a CategoryChart. This influences how the data is positioned in relation to the x/y-axis. Gridlines can also be drawn on each of the plotcube-planes. The chart has a mouse-handler which allows rotation of the chart around the center of the plotcube. Zooming in and out is possible by scrolling.

Data that can be shown on the chart derives from WAbstractDataSeries3D. Multiple dataseries can be added to the chart using addDataSeries(). The color of the dataseries is by default determined by the colors of the WChartPalette. This way a separate color is assigned to each new dataseries. All rendering logic of the data is contained in the dataseries-classes and further styling is often possible there. For example, a WAbstractColorMap can be added to a dataseries, which will assign a color to datapoints based on their z-value. More information on this is found in the documentation of WAbstractDataSeries3D.

It is possible to assign a title to the chart. A legend can also be shown that lists the titles of all dataseries (unless disabled in the dataseries itself). The legend position and style can be configured. In addition to title and legend, a colormap-legend is shown for every dataseries which has a colormap enabled and indicates that it should be displayed on the chart.

A scatterplot on the left, a category-chart on the right.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • remove

      public void remove()
      remove in class WGLWidget
      See Also:
      WContainerWidget.removeWidget(WWidget widget)
    • addDataSeries

      public void addDataSeries​(WAbstractDataSeries3D dataseries)
      Add a dataseries to the chart.

      Ownership of the dataseries is transferred to the chart.

      If the chart is of type ScatterPlot only numerical dataseries should be added and if it is of type CategoryChart only categorical dataseries should be added. If multiple categorical datasets are added, the axis-labels of the first dataseries will be used on the chart.

      Note that a dataseries can only be added once.

      See Also:
      removeDataSeries(WAbstractDataSeries3D dataseries)
    • removeDataSeries

      public void removeDataSeries​(WAbstractDataSeries3D dataseries)
      Removes a dataseries from a chart.

      This removes the data from the chart and transfers ownership back. The data can then be added to another chart.

      See Also:
      addDataSeries(WAbstractDataSeries3D dataseries)
    • getDataSeries

      public java.util.List<WAbstractDataSeries3D> getDataSeries()
      Returns all dataseries that were added to this chart.

      See Also:
      addDataSeries(WAbstractDataSeries3D dataseries), removeDataSeries(WAbstractDataSeries3D dataseries)
    • axis

      public WAxis axis​(Axis axis)
      Returns the specified axis belonging to the chart.
    • setAxis

      public void setAxis​(WAxis waxis, Axis axis)
      Sets an axis.

      See Also:
      axis(Axis axis)
    • setGridEnabled

      public void setGridEnabled​(Plane plane, Axis axis, boolean enabled)
      Enable/disable gridlines.

      Enables or disables gridlines in the given plane, along the given axis. All gridlines are by default disabled.

    • setGridEnabled

      public final void setGridEnabled​(Plane plane, Axis axis)
      Enable/disable gridlines.

      Calls setGridEnabled(plane, axis, true)

    • setIntersectionLinesEnabled

      public void setIntersectionLinesEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      Set whether intersection lines are shown between surface charts.

      This is disabled by default.

    • setIntersectionLinesEnabled

      public final void setIntersectionLinesEnabled()
      Set whether intersection lines are shown between surface charts.

      Calls setIntersectionLinesEnabled(true)

    • isIntersectionLinesEnabled

      public boolean isIntersectionLinesEnabled()
      Returns whether intersection lines are shown between surface charts.

      See Also:
      setIntersectionLinesEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • setIntersectionLinesColor

      public void setIntersectionLinesColor​(WColor color)
      Sets the color of the intersection lines between surface charts.
    • getIntersectionLinesColor

      public WColor getIntersectionLinesColor()
      Gets the color of the intersection lines between surface charts.

      See Also:
      setIntersectionLinesColor(WColor color)
    • setIntersectionPlanes

      public void setIntersectionPlanes​(java.util.List<WCartesian3DChart.IntersectionPlane> intersectionPlanes)
      Set the invisible planes with which intersections are drawn.

      This plane is perpendicular to the given axis, and the intersection is shown in the given color.

      Note that render times will take increasingly longer as you add more intersection planes.

    • getIntersectionPlanes

      public java.util.List<WCartesian3DChart.IntersectionPlane> getIntersectionPlanes()
      Get the invisible planes with which intersections are drawn.

      See Also:
      setIntersectionPlanes(List intersectionPlanes)
    • setGridLinesPen

      public void setGridLinesPen​(WPen pen)
      Sets the pen used for drawing the gridlines.

      The default pen for drawing gridlines is a black pen of width 0.

      See Also:
    • getGridLinesPen

      public WPen getGridLinesPen()
      Returns the pen used for drawing the gridlines.

      See Also:
      setGridLinesPen(WPen pen)
    • setCubeLinesPen

      public void setCubeLinesPen​(WPen pen)
      Sets the pen used to draw the edges of the plotcube.

      The default pen for drawing cubelines is a black pen of width 0.

      Note: Only width and color of the pen are used, all other styling is ignored.

    • getCubeLinesPen

      public WPen getCubeLinesPen()
      Returns a reference to the pen used for drawing the edges of the plotcube.

      The width and color of the pen are used when drawing the edges of the plotcube

      See Also:
      setCubeLinesPen(WPen pen)
    • setType

      public void setType​(ChartType type)
      Sets the type of this chart.

      Sets the type of this chart to either ScatterPlot (for drawing numerical data) or to CategoryChart (for drawing categorical data).

    • getType

      public ChartType getType()
      Returns the type of this chart.

      See Also:
      setType(ChartType type)
    • setPalette

      public void setPalette​(WChartPalette palette)
      Sets the palette for this chart.

      Ownership of the WChartPalette is transferred to the chart.

      The given palette determines which color subsequent dataseries will have. If a dataseries has a colormap set, then the palette is not used for this data.

    • getPalette

      public WChartPalette getPalette()
      Returns the palette used for this chart.

      See Also:
      setPalette(WChartPalette palette)
    • setBackground

      public void setBackground​(WColor background)
      Sets the background color for this chart.

      This sets the GL-clearcolor. The default is transparant, which will cause the background to have the color set in css.

    • getBackground

      public WColor getBackground()
      Returns the background color used for this chart.

      See Also:
      setBackground(WColor background)
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle​(java.lang.CharSequence title)
      Sets the title that is put on the chart.

      The title is always put at the top of the chart and in the center.

      See Also:
      setTitleFont(WFont titleFont)
    • getTitle

      public WString getTitle()
      Returns the title that is put at the top of this chart.

      See Also:
      setTitle(CharSequence title), setTitleFont(WFont titleFont)
    • setTitleFont

      public void setTitleFont​(WFont titleFont)
      Sets the font that is used to draw the title.

      The default font is the default constructed WFont.

      See Also:
      setTitle(CharSequence title)
    • getTitleFont

      public WFont getTitleFont()
      Returns the font used to draw the title.

      See Also:
      setTitle(CharSequence title), setTitleFont(WFont titleFont)
    • setLegendEnabled

      public void setLegendEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      Enables the legend.

      The location of the legend can be configured using setLegendLocation(). Only series for which the legend is enabled are included in this legend.

      The default value is false.

      See Also:
      setLegendLocation(Side side, AlignmentFlag alignment)
    • isLegendEnabled

      public boolean isLegendEnabled()
      Returns whether the legend is enabled.

      See Also:
      setLegendEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • setLegendLocation

      public void setLegendLocation​(Side side, AlignmentFlag alignment)
      Configures the location of the legend.

      The provided side can either be Side.Left, Side.Right, Side.Top, Side.Bottom and configures the side of the chart at which the legend is displayed.

      The alignment specifies how the legend is aligned. This can be a horizontal alignment flag (AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, or AlignmentFlag.AlignRight), when the side is Bottom or Top, or a vertical alignment flag (AlignmentFlag.AlignTop, AlignmentFlag.AlignMiddle, or AlignmentFlag.AlignBottom) when the side is Left or Right.

      The default location is Side.Right and AlignmentFlag.AlignMiddle.

      See Also:
      setLegendEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • setLegendStyle

      public void setLegendStyle​(WFont font, WPen border, WBrush background)
      Configures the legend decoration.

      This configures the font, border and background for the legend.

      The default font is a 10pt sans serif font (the same as the default axis label font), the default border is PenStyle.NoPen and the default background is BrushStyle.NoBrush.

      See Also:
      setLegendEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • getLegendSide

      public Side getLegendSide()
      Returns the legend side.

      See Also:
      setLegendLocation(Side side, AlignmentFlag alignment)
    • getLegendAlignment

      public AlignmentFlag getLegendAlignment()
      Returns the legend alignment.

      See Also:
      setLegendLocation(Side side, AlignmentFlag alignment)
    • getLegendColumns

      public int getLegendColumns()
      Returns the number of legend columns.

      See Also:
      setLegendColumns(int columns, WLength columnWidth)
    • getLegendColumnWidth

      public WLength getLegendColumnWidth()
      Returns the legend column width.

      See Also:
      setLegendColumns(int columns, WLength columnWidth)
    • getLegendFont

      public WFont getLegendFont()
      Returns the legend font.

      See Also:
      setLegendStyle(WFont font, WPen border, WBrush background)
    • getLegendBorder

      public WPen getLegendBorder()
      Returns the legend border pen.

      See Also:
      setLegendStyle(WFont font, WPen border, WBrush background)
    • getLegendBackground

      public WBrush getLegendBackground()
      Returns the legend background brush.

      See Also:
      setLegendStyle(WFont font, WPen border, WBrush background)
    • setLegendColumns

      public void setLegendColumns​(int columns, WLength columnWidth)
      Configures the number of columns and columnwidth of the legend.

      The default value is a single column, 100 pixels wide.

    • initLayout

      public void initLayout()
      Initializes the chart layout.

      This method must be called before any methods relating to the layout of the chart are called (eg. calling minimum() or maximum() on one of the axes). The method is also automatically called when the chart is rendered.

    • setCameraMatrix

      public void setCameraMatrix​(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f matrix)
      Set the camera-matrix.

      The viewpoint can be set with the camera-matrix. The chart is defined in the world coordinate system as a cube with axes from 0 to 1 in all three directions. Therefore the center of the cube is positioned at (0.5, 0.5, 0.5). The camera can be most easily position with the lookAt method of WMatrix4x4. A common use-case when manipulating the matrix is to translate the center to the origin and then rotate.

    • getCameraMatrix

      public javax.vecmath.Matrix4f getCameraMatrix()
      Get the current camera-matrix.

      The matrix represents the current view on the scene. It corresponds to a coordinate system where the chart's axes run from 0 to 1 in all three directions.

      See Also:
      setCameraMatrix(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f matrix)
    • getJsMatrix

      public WGLWidget.JavaScriptMatrix4x4 getJsMatrix()
      Get the current camera matrix as a JavaScriptMatrix4x4.

      This JavaScriptMatrix4x4 can be used to implement a custom mouse handler using WGLWidget#setClientSideMouseHandler().

      See Also:
      setCameraMatrix(javax.vecmath.Matrix4f matrix)
    • getPMatrix

      public javax.vecmath.Matrix4f getPMatrix()
    • toPlotCubeCoords

      public double toPlotCubeCoords​(double value, Axis axis)
    • initializeGL

      protected void initializeGL()
      Initialize the WebGL state when the widget is first shown.

      Specialized for chart rendering.

      initializeGL in class WGLWidget
    • paintGL

      protected void paintGL()
      Update the client-side painting function.

      Specialized for chart rendering.

      paintGL in class WGLWidget
    • updateGL

      protected void updateGL()
      Update state set in initializeGL()

      Specialized for chart rendering.

      updateGL in class WGLWidget
    • resizeGL

      protected void resizeGL​(int width, int height)
      Act on resize events.

      Specialized for chart rendering.

      resizeGL in class WGLWidget
    • updateChart

      public void updateChart​(java.util.EnumSet<ChartUpdates> flags)
      Update the chart.
    • updateChart

      public final void updateChart​(ChartUpdates flag, ChartUpdates... flags)
      Update the chart.

      Calls updateChart(EnumSet.of(flag, flags))

    • resize

      public void resize​(WLength width, WLength height)
      Description copied from class: WWidget
      Resizes the widget.

      Specifies a fixed size for this widget, setting CSS width and height properties. By default a widget has automatic width and height, which sets a size for the widget following CSS rules.

      When the widget is not managed by a layout manager, the automatic (natural) size of a widget depends on whether they widget is a block or inline widget:

      • a block widget takes by default the width of the parent, and the height that it needs based on its contents
      • an inline widget takes the width and height that it needs based on its contents (possibly wrapping over multiple lines). The width and height of an inline widget cannot be changed (by the letter of CSS, although most browsers will react to it in varying ways).

      When inserted in a layout manager, the size set will be used as a widget's preferred size, but the widget may be given a different size by the layout manager based on available space and stretch factors. The actual size given by a layout manager may be retrieved by making the widget "layout size aware", using setLayoutSizeAware(). If you have defined a "wtResize()" JavaScript method for the widget, then this method will also be called.

      The default width and height of a widget is WLength.Auto.

      resize in class WGLWidget
      See Also:
      WWidget.getWidth(), WWidget.getHeight()
    • createRay

      public void createRay​(double x, double y, javax.vecmath.GVector eye, javax.vecmath.GVector direction)