Class Configuration


public class Configuration extends Object
JWt application configuration class.

This class holds the configuration for JWt, controlling general features of the interaction between the browser and the web application.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Configuration

      public Configuration()
      Creates a default configuration.
    • Configuration

      public Configuration(File configurationFile)
      Reads a configuration from an XML file.

      An example configuration file can be found in the JWt source distribution.

      configurationFile -
  • Method Details

    • setProperties

      public void setProperties(HashMap<String,String> properties)
      Sets properties.
      • SMTP host used by JWt to send out emails
      • smtp.port: SMTP port used by JWt to send out emails
      properties -
      See Also:
    • getProperties

      public HashMap<String,String> getProperties()
      Returns configured properties.

      Properties may be used to adapt applications to their deployment environment.

      a map of all properties.
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String name)
      Returns a property value.

      Properties may be used to adapt applications to their deployment environment.

      name -
      the property value, or null if the property has not been defined.
    • setRedirectMessage

      public void setRedirectMessage(String redirectMessage)
      Sets the plain-HTML redirect message.

      By default, JWt will use an automatic redirect to start the application when the browser does not support JavaScript. However, browsers are not required to follow the redirection, and in some situations (when using XHTML), such automatic redirection is not supported.

      This configures the text that is shown in the anchor which the user may click to be redirected to a basic HTML version of your application.

    • getRedirectMessage

      public String getRedirectMessage()
      Returns the plain-HTML redirect message.
      the plain-HTML redirect message.
      See Also:
    • setSendXHTMLMimeType

      public void setSendXHTMLMimeType(boolean sendXHTMLMimeType)
      Sets whether XHTML should be used (if supported by the client).

      JWt renders XHTML1 (XML variant of HTML) that is backward-compatible with HTML. Using XHTML, JWt is capable of supporting XHTML-only features such as embedded SVG or MathML.

      When enabled, JWt sets an XHTML mime-type (application/xhtml+xml) when the browser reports support for it. Most notably, Internet Explorer does not support it. Because XHTML and HTML are slightly different with respect to default CSS rules, you may want to disable sending the XHTML mime-type all-together, at least if you are not using SVG (used by the WPaintedWidget).

    • sendXHTMLMimeType

      public boolean sendXHTMLMimeType()
      Returns whether XHTML should be used (if supported by the client).
      whether XHTML should be used.
      See Also:
    • setDebug

      public void setDebug(boolean how)
      Configures debugging.

      Currently, the only effect of debugging is that JavaScript exceptions are not caught but allowed to propagate so that you can inspect the stack trace.

      Debugging is off by default.

    • debug

      public boolean debug()
      use getErrorReporting() instead.
      Returns whether debugging is enabled.
      whether debugging is enabled.
      See Also:
    • getServerPushTimeout

      public int getServerPushTimeout()
      Returns the server push timeout (seconds).

      When using server-initiated updates, the client uses long-polling requests. Proxies (including reverse proxies) are notorious for silently closing idle requests; the client therefore cancels the request periodically and issues a new one. This timeout sets the frequency.

      The default timeout is 50 seconds.

      See Also:
    • setServerPushTimeout

      public void setServerPushTimeout(int timeout)
      Sets the server push timeout (seconds).

      When using server-initiated updates, the client uses long-polling requests. Proxies (including reverse proxies) are notorious for silently closing idle requests; the client therefore cancels the request periodically and issues a new one. This timeout sets the frequency.

      The default timeout is 50 seconds.

      See Also:
    • setInlineCss

      public void setInlineCss(boolean inlineCss)
      Sets whether inline CSS may be generated.

      This option configures whether CSS rules added to the inline stylesheet WApplication.getStyleSheet() are rendered.

      Some pedantic accessibility guidelines may forbid inline CSS.

      Note: some widgets, such as WTreeView, dynamically manipulate rules in this stylesheet, and will no longer work properly when inline CSS is disabled.

      inlineCss -
    • isInlineCss

      public boolean isInlineCss()
      Returns whether inline CSS may be generated.
      whether inline CSS may be generated.
      See Also:
    • isWebglDetect

      public boolean isWebglDetect()
    • setAjaxAgentList

      public void setAjaxAgentList(ArrayList<String> ajaxAgentList, boolean isWhiteList)
      Configures agents that may be served an AJAX version of the application.

      When isWhiteList is true, the given list exhaustively indicates all user agents that will be served an AJAX version of the application. When isWhiteList is false, the given list excludes some user agents that may be served an AJAX version of the application.

      Each entry in ajaxAgentList is a regular expression against which the browser-reported user agent is compared.

      By default, JWt will serve an AJAX version when JavaScript and AJAX support are detected.

      ajaxAgentList - a list of regular expressions that identify user agents
      isWhiteList - whether the list is a white list or black list.
    • getAjaxAgentList

      public ArrayList<String> getAjaxAgentList()
      Returns the list of user agents that are (not) considered for AJAX sessions.

      Depending on the value of isAjaxAgentWhiteList(), the list is a white-list or a black-list.

      the list of user agents that are (not) considered for AJAX sessions.
      See Also:
    • isAjaxAgentWhiteList

      public boolean isAjaxAgentWhiteList()
      Returns whether the getAjaxAgentList() is a white list or black list.
      whether the getAjaxAgentList() is a white list or black list.
      See Also:
    • agentSupportsAjax

      public boolean agentSupportsAjax(String userAgent)
      Returns whether the user agent should be considered as one with Ajax support.
      whether the user agent should be considered as one with Ajax support.
      See Also:
    • setBotList

      public void setBotList(ArrayList<String> botList)
      Sets the list of bots.

      JWt considers three types of sessions:

      • AJAX sessions: use AJAX and JavaScript
      • plain HTML sessions: use plain old server GETs and POSTs
      • bots: have clean internal paths (see WApplication.setInternalPath(String)) and no persistent sessions
      By default, JWt does a browser detection to distinguish between the first two: if a browser supports JavaScript (and has it enabled), and has an AJAX DOM API, then AJAX sessions are chosen, otherwise plain HTML sessions.

      Here, you can specify user agents that should be should be treated as bots.

      The default configuration sets the following list:

      • .*Googlebot.*
      • .*msnbot.*
      • .*Slurp.*
      • .*Crawler.*
      • .*Bot.*
      • .*ia_archiver.*
      • .*Twiceler.*
    • getBotList

      public ArrayList<String> getBotList()
      Returns the list of user agents that are treated as bots.
      the list of user agents that are treated as bots.
      See Also:
    • agentIsBot

      public boolean agentIsBot(String userAgent)
      Returns whether the user agent is a bot.
      See Also:
    • setFavicon

      public void setFavicon(String favicon)
      Configures a path to a favicon. By default, a browser will fetch a favicon from "/favicon.ico".
      Using this setting, you may provide a custom path to the favicon.

      The default value is "".

    • getFavicon

      public String getFavicon()
      Returns the path for the favicon
      the path for the favicon
      See Also:
    • setProgressiveBootstrap

      public void setProgressiveBootstrap(boolean enable)
      Sets whether the progressive bootstrap method is used.

      Since JWt 2.99.4, a new bootstrap method has been added (initially proposed by Anthony roger Buck). While the default bootstrap already honors the principle of graceful degradation, this bootstrap implements this using the principle of progressive enhancement (and quite literally so).

      This bootstrap method will initially assume that the user agent is a plain HTML user-agent and immediately create the application (with WEnvironment.hasAjax() always returning false). The initial response will contain the initial page suitable for a plain HTML user-agent.

      JavaScript embedded in this page will sense for AJAX support and trigger a second request which progresses the application to an AJAX application (without repainting the user interface). To that extent, it will change WEnvironment.hasAjax() to return true, and invoke WApplication.enableAjax() which in turn propagates WWidget.enableAjax() through the widget hierarchy. This upgrade happens in the back-ground, unnoticed to the user.

      This mitigates disadvantages associated with the default bootstrap, which implements a browser detection first after it starts the application:

      • the redirection without JavaScript support may not be supported by all user agents, leaving these with a link and a getRedirectMessage().
      • there is an additional round-trip before any contents is rendered
      • for an AJAX user interface, all contents will be loaded through JavaScript. This has a draw-back that IE may delay applying external stylesheets after the contents has been rendered, which might cause some confusion, and some 3rd party JavaScript libraries do not support being loaded on-demand (with as most notable example, Google ads).
    • progressiveBootstrap

      public boolean progressiveBootstrap(String internalPath)
      Returns whether the progressive bootstrap method is used. The method may take into account the internalPath to differentiate between certain deep links which display widgets that do not progress well (such as table views or tree views).
      internalPath - the initial internal path
      whether the progressive bootstrap method is used.
    • setDelayLoadAtBoot

      public void setDelayLoadAtBoot(boolean enable)
      Configures whether loading the application is delayed at boot. By default, the loading of the application is delayed. This can in some very specific circumstances lead to the browser waiting several seconds before loading the application. If this is a bug that you are facing, consider setting this to false. This could however impact your code if you inject JS during boot.
    • isDelayLoadAtBoot

      public boolean isDelayLoadAtBoot()
      Returns whether loading of the application is delayed at boot
    • getKeepAlive

      public int getKeepAlive()
    • getMultiSessionCookieTimeout

      public int getMultiSessionCookieTimeout()
    • getSessionTimeout

      public int getSessionTimeout()
      Returns the session timeout.
      the session timeout.
    • getIdleTimeout

      public int getIdleTimeout()
      Returns the idle timeout (in seconds).
      the idle timeout.
    • setIdleTimeout

      public void setIdleTimeout(int timeout)
      Sets the idle timeout. When the user does not interact with the application for the set number of seconds, WApplication#idleTimeout() is called. By default, this method quits the application immediately, but it can be overridden if different behaviour is desired. This feature can be used to prevent others from taking over a session when the device that the Wt application is being used from is left behind, and is most effective in combination with a fairly short session timeout. The default is -1 (disabled)
    • setMaximumRequestSize

      public void setMaximumRequestSize(long requestSize)
      Sets the maximum request size (in bytes). The default value is 1MB
    • getDoubleClickTimeout

      public int getDoubleClickTimeout()
      Returns the double click timeout.
    • setDoubleClickTimeout

      public void setDoubleClickTimeout(int doubleClickTimeout)
      Sets the double click timeout. The default value is 200 (ms).
    • getIndicatorTimeout

      public int getIndicatorTimeout()
      Returns the loading indicator timeout. When a response time for an AJAX call exceeds this time, a loading indicator is shown.
      the loading indicator timeout in milliseconds.
    • setIndicatorTimeout

      public void setIndicatorTimeout(int timeout)
      Sets the loading indicator timeout. When a response time for an AJAX call exceeds this time, a loading indicator is shown.
      timeout - the timeout in milliseconds.
    • getBootstrapTimeout

      public int getBootstrapTimeout()
    • getErrorReporting

      public Configuration.ErrorReporting getErrorReporting()
      Returns the error reporting mode.
    • setErrorReporting

      public void setErrorReporting(Configuration.ErrorReporting err)
      Sets the error reporting mode.
    • setUaCompatible

      public void setUaCompatible(String uaCompatible)
      Configures different rendering engines for certain browsers. Currently this is only used to select IE7 compatible rendering engine for IE8, which solves problems of unreliable and slow rendering performance for VML which Microsoft broke in IE8. Before 3.3.0, the default value was IE8=IE7, but since 3.3.0 this has been changed to an empty string (i.e. let IE8 use the standard IE8 rendering engine) to take advantage of IE8's improved CSS support.
    • getUaCompatible

      public String getUaCompatible()
      Returns UA compatibility selection
      See Also:
    • setTinyMCEVersion

      public void setTinyMCEVersion(int version)
      Sets the TinyMCE version to be used. The default version is 3.
      version - must be 3 or 4
      See Also:
    • setWebSocketsEnabled

      public void setWebSocketsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Enables or disables the use of web sockets
    • getMaxRequestSize

      public long getMaxRequestSize()
      Returns the maximum request size.
    • getMaxFormDataSize

      public long getMaxFormDataSize()
      Returns the maximum request size.
    • getMaxPendingEvents

      public int getMaxPendingEvents()
      Returns the maximum amount of pending events.
    • setMaxPendingEvents

      public void setMaxPendingEvents(int maxPendingEvents)
      Sets the maximum amount of pending events.
    • setBehindReverseProxy

      @Deprecated public void setBehindReverseProxy(boolean enabled)
      Use setTrustedProxies(List) instead. If set to true, the old behavior is used and the upstream server is trusted as being a reverse proxy.
      Configures whether the application is hosted behind a reverse proxy.
      See Also:
    • isBehindReverseProxy

      @Deprecated public boolean isBehindReverseProxy()
      Returns whether we are deployment behind a reverse proxy. When configured behind a reverse proxy, typical headers set by the reverse proxy are interpreted correctly: - X-Forwarded-Host - X-Forwarded-Proto
      See Also:
    • setOriginalIPHeader

      public void setOriginalIPHeader(String originalIPHeader)
      Sets the header to be considered to derive the client address when behind a reverse proxy. This is X-Forwarded-For by default.
      See Also:
    • getOriginalIPHeader

      public String getOriginalIPHeader()
      Gets the header to be considered to derive the client address when behind a reverse proxy. This is X-Forwarded-For by default.
      See Also:
    • setTrustedProxies

      public void setTrustedProxies(List<Configuration.Network> trustedProxies)
      Set the proxy servers or networks that are trusted.

      JWt will only trust proxy headers like X-Forwarded-* headers if the proxy server is in the list of trusted proxies.

      See Also:
    • getTrustedProxies

      public List<Configuration.Network> getTrustedProxies()
      Gets the proxy servers or networks that are trusted.
      See Also:
    • isTrustedProxy

      public boolean isTrustedProxy(String addressStr)
      Checks whether the given IP address string is a trusted proxy server.
      See Also:
    • isCookieChecks

      public boolean isCookieChecks()
    • internalDeploymentSize

      public int internalDeploymentSize()
    • setInternalDeploymentSize

      public void setInternalDeploymentSize(int size)
    • getMetaHeaders

      public List<MetaHeader> getMetaHeaders()
      Returns configured meta headers.
    • getHeadMatter

      public List<eu.webtoolkit.jwt.HeadMatter> getHeadMatter()
      Returns configured head matter. Like meta headers, but also supports e.g. <link> tags.
    • getHttpHeaders

      public List<eu.webtoolkit.jwt.HttpHeader> getHttpHeaders()
      Returns the headers configured to be sent with every HTTP response.
    • setMetaHeaders

      public void setMetaHeaders(List<MetaHeader> headers)
      Sets (static) meta headers. This is an alternative to using WApplication.addMetaHeader(String, CharSequence), but having the benefit that they are added to all sessions.
    • setHeadMatter

      public void setHeadMatter(List<eu.webtoolkit.jwt.HeadMatter> headMatter)
      Sets (static) head matter. Like meta headers, but also supports e.g. <link> tags.
    • setHttpHeaders

      public void setHttpHeaders(List<eu.webtoolkit.jwt.HttpHeader> httpHeaders)
      Sets the headers to send with every HTTP response.
    • setUseScriptNonce

      public void setUseScriptNonce(boolean enable)
      Configures whether nonces are used. Setting this to true forces every script HTML tag to have the same nonce as the one given in the header of the reply in order to be executed. This nonce is randomly generated for each reply, helping to protect against XSS attacks.
      See Also:
      • servlet.WebResponse#getNonce()
    • isUseScriptNonce

      public boolean isUseScriptNonce()
      Returns whether nonces are used.
    • setUseXFrameSameOrigin

      public void setUseXFrameSameOrigin(boolean enable)
      Configures whether the header X-Frame-Option "SAMEORIGIN" is sent when serving the main page or the bootstrap.
    • isUseXFrameSameOrigin

      public boolean isUseXFrameSameOrigin()
      Returns whether the header X-Frame-Option "SAMEORIGIN" is sent when serving the main page or the bootstrap.
      See Also:
    • isAllowedOrigin

      public boolean isAllowedOrigin(String origin)
    • setAllowedOrigins

      public void setAllowedOrigins(Collection<String> origins)
      Sets the list of origins that are allowed for CORS (only supported for WidgetSet entry points) The default is empty (no origins are allowed).
    • getAsyncContextTimeout

      public long getAsyncContextTimeout()
      Get async context timeout for WtServlet requests
    • setAsyncContextTimeout

      public void setAsyncContextTimeout(long asyncContextTimeout)
      Set async context timeout for WtServlet requests