A widget that displays data in a table. More...
#include <Wt/Ext/TableView>
Public Member Functions | |
TableView (WContainerWidget *parent=0) | |
Create a new table view. More... | |
void | setModel (WAbstractItemModel *model) |
Specify the model. More... | |
WAbstractItemModel * | model () const |
Return the model. More... | |
void | resizeColumnsToContents (bool onResize=false) |
Let the table view resize columns to fit their contents. More... | |
void | setAutoExpandColumn (int column, int minWidth=50, int maxWidth=1000) |
Set the column which will auto-expand to take the remaining space. More... | |
int | autoExpandColumn () const |
Return the column index of the column that auto-expands. | |
void | setDataLocation (DataLocation dataLocation) |
Configure the location of the data. More... | |
void | setColumnsMovable (bool movable) |
Allow the user to move columns using drag and drop. More... | |
bool | columnsMovable () const |
Return if columns are movable. More... | |
void | setAlternatingRowColors (bool enable) |
Render rows with alternating colors. More... | |
bool | alternatingRowColors () const |
Return if rows are rendered with alternating colors. More... | |
void | setHighlightMouseOver (bool highlight) |
Configure if the row under the mouse will be highlighted. More... | |
bool | highlightMouseOver () const |
Return if the row under the mouse will be highlighted. | |
void | setColumnHidden (int column, bool hide) |
Change the visibility of a column. More... | |
bool | isColumnHidden (int column) const |
Return if a column is hidden. More... | |
void | hideColumn (int column) |
Hide a column. More... | |
void | showColumn (int column) |
Show a column. More... | |
void | setColumnWidth (int column, int pixels) |
Set the column width (in pixels) for a column. More... | |
int | columnWidth (int column) const |
Return the column width. More... | |
void | setColumnAlignment (int column, AlignmentFlag alignment) |
Set the horizontal content alignment of a column. More... | |
AlignmentFlag | columnAlignment (int column) const |
Return the horizontal content alignment of a column. More... | |
void | setColumnSortable (int column, bool sortable) |
Allow a column to be sorted by the user. More... | |
bool | isColumnSortable (int column) const |
Return if a column is sortable. More... | |
void | enableColumnHiding (int column, bool enable) |
Allow a column to be hidden through its context menu. More... | |
bool | isColumnHidingEnabled (int column) const |
Return if a column may be hidden through its context menu. More... | |
void | setEditor (int column, FormField *editor) |
Configure an editor for the given column. More... | |
void | setRenderer (int column, const std::string &rendererJS) |
Configure a custom renderer for the given column. More... | |
void | setPageSize (int pageSize) |
Configure a page size to browse the data page by page. More... | |
int | pageSize () const |
Return the page size. More... | |
ToolBar * | createPagingToolBar () |
Create a paging tool bar. More... | |
virtual void | refresh () |
Refresh the widget. More... | |
void | setCurrentCell (int row, int column) |
Give a cell focus. More... | |
int | currentRow () const |
Return the index of the row currently selected. More... | |
int | currentColumn () const |
Return the index of the column currently selected. More... | |
const std::vector< int > & | selectedRows () |
The list of rows that are currently selected. More... | |
void | clearSelection () |
Clear the current selection. More... | |
SelectionMode | selectionMode () const |
Return the current selection mode. More... | |
void | setSelectionMode (SelectionMode mode) |
Set the selection mode. More... | |
void | setSelectionBehavior (SelectionBehavior behavior) |
Set the selection behaviour. More... | |
SelectionBehavior | selectionBehavior () const |
Return the current selection behaviour. More... | |
Signal< int, int > & | cellClicked () |
Signal emitted when a cell is clicked. More... | |
Signal< int, int, int, int > & | currentCellChanged () |
Signal emitted when a new cell received focus. More... | |
Signal & | itemSelectionChanged () |
Signal emitted when the selection changes. More... | |
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Panel (WContainerWidget *parent=0) | |
Create a new panel. More... | |
~Panel () | |
Destruct a panel. | |
void | setTopToolBar (ToolBar *toolBar) |
Set a tool bar at the top of the panel. More... | |
ToolBar * | topToolBar () const |
Return the top tool bar. More... | |
void | setBottomToolBar (ToolBar *bottomBar) |
Set a tool bar at the bottom of the panel. More... | |
ToolBar * | bottomToolBar () const |
Return the top tool bar. More... | |
void | addFooterButton (Button *button) |
Add a button to the footer of the panel. More... | |
void | removeFooterButton (Button *button) |
Remove a button from the footer of the panel. More... | |
const std::vector< Button * > & | footerButtons () const |
Retrn the list of footer buttons. More... | |
void | setTitle (const WString &title) |
Set a title. More... | |
const WString & | title () const |
Get the title. More... | |
void | setTitleBar (bool enable) |
Show or hide a title bar for the panel. More... | |
bool | titleBar () const |
Get the title bar. More... | |
void | setAnimate (bool on) |
Set to use animations for the expand/collapse operation. More... | |
bool | animate () const |
Return if using animations for expand/collapse. More... | |
void | setAutoScrollBars (bool on) |
Option to show scroll bars when needed. More... | |
bool | autoScrollBars () const |
Return if showing scroll bars when needed. More... | |
void | setBorder (bool show) |
Change the border around the panel. More... | |
bool | border () const |
Get the border setting. More... | |
void | setCollapsed (bool on) |
Set the panel expanded or callapsed. More... | |
void | collapse () |
Collapse the panel. More... | |
void | expand () |
Expand the panel. More... | |
bool | isCollapsed () const |
Return if the panel is collapsed. More... | |
void | setCollapsible (bool on) |
Allow the user to collapse/expand the panel. More... | |
bool | isCollapsible () const |
Return if the user may collapse/expand the panel. More... | |
void | setResizable (bool on) |
Allow the user to resize the panel. More... | |
bool | isResizable () const |
Return if the user may resize the panel. More... | |
JSignal & | collapsed () |
Signal emitted when the panel is collapsed. More... | |
JSignal & | expanded () |
Signal emitted when the panel is expanded. More... | |
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Container (WContainerWidget *parent=0) | |
Create a new container. More... | |
virtual | ~Container () |
Destroy the container. | |
void | setLayout (WLayout *layout) |
Set a layout manager for the container. More... | |
WLayout * | layout () |
Get the layout manager that was set for the container. More... | |
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void | setEnabled (bool how) |
Enables or disables the widget. More... | |
void | enable () |
Enables the widget. | |
void | disable () |
Disables the widget. | |
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~Widget () | |
Delete a widget. | |
virtual void | setHidden (bool hidden, const WAnimation &animation=WAnimation()) |
Hides or shows the widget. More... | |
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WWebWidget (WContainerWidget *parent=0) | |
Construct a WebWidget with a given parent. More... | |
virtual void | setPositionScheme (PositionScheme scheme) |
Sets the CSS position scheme. More... | |
virtual PositionScheme | positionScheme () const |
Returns the CSS position scheme. More... | |
virtual void | setOffsets (const WLength &offset, WFlags< Side > sides=All) |
Sets CSS offsets for a non-statically positioned widget. More... | |
virtual WLength | offset (Side s) const |
Returns a CSS offset. More... | |
virtual void | resize (const WLength &width, const WLength &height) |
Resizes the widget. More... | |
virtual WLength | width () const |
Returns the width. More... | |
virtual WLength | height () const |
Returns the height. More... | |
virtual void | setMinimumSize (const WLength &width, const WLength &height) |
Sets a minimum size. More... | |
virtual WLength | minimumWidth () const |
Returns the minimum width. More... | |
virtual WLength | minimumHeight () const |
Returns the minimum height. More... | |
virtual void | setMaximumSize (const WLength &width, const WLength &height) |
Sets a maximum size. More... | |
virtual WLength | maximumWidth () const |
Returns the maximum width. More... | |
virtual WLength | maximumHeight () const |
Returns the maximum height. More... | |
virtual void | setLineHeight (const WLength &height) |
Sets the CSS line height for contained text. | |
virtual WLength | lineHeight () const |
Returns the CSS line height for contained text. More... | |
virtual void | setFloatSide (Side s) |
Specifies a CSS float side. More... | |
virtual Side | floatSide () const |
Returns the CSS float side. More... | |
virtual void | setClearSides (WFlags< Side > sides) |
Sets the sides that should be cleared of floats. More... | |
virtual WFlags< Side > | clearSides () const |
Returns the sides that should remain empty. More... | |
virtual void | setMargin (const WLength &margin, WFlags< Side > sides=All) |
Sets CSS margins around the widget. More... | |
virtual WLength | margin (Side side) const |
Returns a CSS margin set. More... | |
virtual void | setHiddenKeepsGeometry (bool enabled) |
Sets whether the widget keeps its geometry when hidden. More... | |
virtual bool | hiddenKeepsGeometry () const |
Returns whether the widget keeps its geometry when hidden. More... | |
virtual bool | isHidden () const |
Returns whether the widget is set hidden. More... | |
virtual bool | isVisible () const |
Returns whether the widget is visible. More... | |
virtual void | setDisabled (bool disabled) |
Sets whether the widget is disabled. More... | |
virtual bool | isDisabled () const |
Returns whether the widget is set disabled. More... | |
virtual bool | isEnabled () const |
Returns whether the widget is enabled. More... | |
virtual void | setPopup (bool popup) |
Lets the widget overlay over other sibling widgets. More... | |
virtual bool | isPopup () const |
Returns whether the widget is overlayed. More... | |
virtual void | setInline (bool isInline) |
Sets whether the widget is displayed inline or as a block. More... | |
virtual bool | isInline () const |
Returns whether the widget is displayed inline or as block. More... | |
virtual void | setDecorationStyle (const WCssDecorationStyle &style) |
Sets a CSS decoration style. More... | |
virtual WCssDecorationStyle & | decorationStyle () |
Returns the decoration style of this widget. More... | |
virtual void | setStyleClass (const WString &styleClass) |
Sets (one or more) CSS style classes. More... | |
virtual WString | styleClass () const |
Returns the CSS style class. More... | |
virtual void | addStyleClass (const WString &styleClass, bool force=false) |
Adds a CSS style class. More... | |
virtual void | removeStyleClass (const WString &styleClass, bool force=false) |
Removes a CSS style class. More... | |
virtual bool | hasStyleClass (const WString &styleClass) const |
Returns whether the widget has a style class. | |
virtual void | setVerticalAlignment (AlignmentFlag alignment, const WLength &length=WLength()) |
Sets the vertical alignment. More... | |
virtual AlignmentFlag | verticalAlignment () const |
Returns the vertical alignment. More... | |
virtual WLength | verticalAlignmentLength () const |
Returns the fixed vertical alignment that was set. More... | |
virtual void | setToolTip (const WString &text, TextFormat textFormat=PlainText) |
Sets a tooltip. More... | |
virtual void | setDeferredToolTip (bool enable, TextFormat textFormat=PlainText) |
Enable deferred tooltip. More... | |
virtual WString | toolTip () const |
Returns the tooltip. | |
virtual void | setAttributeValue (const std::string &name, const WString &value) |
Sets an attribute value. More... | |
virtual WString | attributeValue (const std::string &name) const |
Returns an attribute value. More... | |
virtual void | setJavaScriptMember (const std::string &name, const std::string &value) |
Sets a JavaScript member. More... | |
virtual std::string | javaScriptMember (const std::string &name) const |
Returns the value of a JavaScript member. More... | |
virtual void | callJavaScriptMember (const std::string &name, const std::string &args) |
Calls a JavaScript member. More... | |
virtual void | load () |
Loads content just before the widget is used. More... | |
virtual bool | loaded () const |
Returns whether this widget has been loaded. More... | |
virtual void | setId (const std::string &id) |
Sets the CSS Id. More... | |
virtual WWidget * | find (const std::string &name) |
Finds a descendent widget by name. More... | |
virtual WWidget * | findById (const std::string &id) |
Finds a descendent widget by id. | |
virtual void | setSelectable (bool selectable) |
Sets as selectable. More... | |
virtual void | doJavaScript (const std::string &javascript) |
Executes the given JavaScript statements when the widget is rendered or updated. More... | |
virtual const std::string | id () const |
Returns the (unique) identifier for this object. More... | |
void | setLoadLaterWhenInvisible (bool) |
Change the way the widget is loaded when invisible. More... | |
std::string | htmlTagName () const |
returns the current html tag name More... | |
void | setHtmlTagName (const std::string &tag) |
set the custom HTML tag name More... | |
const std::vector< WWidget * > & | children () const |
Returns contained widgets. More... | |
Signal & | childrenChanged () |
Signal emitted when children have been added or removed. More... | |
virtual void | setCanReceiveFocus (bool enabled) |
Sets whether the widget can receive focus. More... | |
virtual bool | canReceiveFocus () const |
Returns whether the widget can receive focus. More... | |
virtual bool | setFirstFocus () |
Set focus on the widget's first descendant. More... | |
virtual void | setFocus (bool focus) |
Sets focus. More... | |
virtual bool | hasFocus () const |
Returns whether the widget currently has the focus. | |
virtual void | setTabIndex (int index) |
Sets the tab index. More... | |
virtual int | tabIndex () const |
Returns the tab index. More... | |
EventSignal & | blurred () |
Signal emitted when the widget lost focus. More... | |
EventSignal & | focussed () |
Signal emitted when the widget recieved focus. More... | |
virtual bool | scrollVisibilityEnabled () const WT_CXX11ONLY(finaloverride) |
Returns whether scroll visibility detection is enabled for this widget. More... | |
virtual void | setScrollVisibilityEnabled (bool enabled) WT_CXX11ONLY(finaloverride) |
Sets whether scroll visibility detection is enabled for this widget. More... | |
virtual int | scrollVisibilityMargin () const WT_CXX11ONLY(finaloverride) |
Returns the margin around the viewport within which the widget is considered visible. More... | |
virtual void | setScrollVisibilityMargin (int margin) WT_CXX11ONLY(finaloverride) |
Sets the margin around the viewport within which the widget is considered visible. More... | |
virtual Signal< bool > & | scrollVisibilityChanged () WT_CXX11ONLY(finaloverride) |
Signal triggered when the scroll visibility of this widget changes. More... | |
virtual bool | isScrollVisible () const WT_CXX11ONLY(finaloverride) |
Returns whether this widget is currently considered scroll visible. More... | |
virtual void | setThemeStyleEnabled (bool enabled) |
Sets whether theme styling for a widget is enabled or disabled. More... | |
virtual bool | isThemeStyleEnabled () const |
Returns whether this widget is currently styled by the chosen theme. More... | |
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virtual | ~WWidget () |
Destructor. More... | |
WWidget * | parent () const |
Returns the parent widget. More... | |
virtual void | removeChild (WObject *child) |
Removes a child object. More... | |
void | setWidth (const WLength &width) |
Sets the width. More... | |
void | setHeight (const WLength &height) |
Sets the height. More... | |
virtual void | positionAt (const WWidget *widget, Orientation orientation=Vertical) |
Positions a widget next to another widget. More... | |
virtual void | toggleStyleClass (const WString &styleClass, bool add, bool force=false) |
Toggles a CSS style class. | |
std::string | jsRef () const |
Returns a JavaScript expression to the corresponding DOM node. More... | |
void | setFocus () |
Sets focus. More... | |
virtual void | acceptDrops (const std::string &mimeType, const WString &hoverStyleClass=WString()) |
Sets a mime type to be accepted for dropping. More... | |
virtual void | stopAcceptDrops (const std::string &mimeType) |
Indicates that a mime type is no longer accepted for dropping. More... | |
virtual void | setObjectName (const std::string &name) |
Sets an object name. More... | |
virtual void | htmlText (std::ostream &out) |
Streams the (X)HTML representation. More... | |
bool | isRendered () const |
Returns whether the widget is rendered. More... | |
void | hide () |
Hides the widget. More... | |
void | animateHide (const WAnimation &animation) |
Hides the widget using an animation. More... | |
void | show () |
Shows the widget. More... | |
void | animateShow (const WAnimation &animation) |
Shows the widget using an animation. More... | |
void | enable () |
Enables the widget. More... | |
void | disable () |
Disable thes widget. More... | |
bool | layoutSizeAware () const |
Returns whether the widget is layout size aware. More... | |
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WObject (WObject *parent=0) | |
Create a WObject with a given parent object. More... | |
virtual | ~WObject () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual std::string | objectName () const |
Returns the object name. More... | |
void | resetLearnedSlots () |
Resets learned stateless slot implementations. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | resetLearnedSlot (void(T::*method)()) |
Resets a learned stateless slot implementation. More... | |
template<class T > | |
WStatelessSlot * | implementStateless (void(T::*method)()) |
Declares a slot to be stateless and learn client-side behaviour on first invocation. More... | |
template<class T > | |
WStatelessSlot * | implementStateless (void(T::*method)(), void(T::*undoMethod)()) |
Declares a slot to be stateless and learn client-side behaviour in advance. More... | |
void | isNotStateless () |
Marks the current function as not stateless. More... | |
template<class T > | |
WStatelessSlot * | implementJavaScript (void(T::*method)(), const std::string &jsCode) |
Provides a JavaScript implementation for a method. More... | |
void | addChild (WObject *child) |
Adds a child object. More... | |
const std::vector< WObject * > & | children () const |
Returns the children. | |
WObject * | parent () const |
Returns the parent object. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static std::string | dateRenderer (const WString &format) |
Create a date renderer for the given format. More... | |
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static WString | escapeText (const WString &text, bool newlinesToo=false) |
Escape HTML control characters in the text, to display literally (deprecated). More... | |
static std::string & | escapeText (std::string &text, bool newlinestoo=false) |
Escape HTML control characters in the text, to display literally (deprecated). More... | |
static bool | removeScript (WString &text) |
Remove tags/attributes from text that are not passive (deprecated). More... | |
static std::string | jsStringLiteral (const std::string &v, char delimiter= '\'') |
Turn a UTF8 encoded string into a JavaScript string literal. More... | |
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static WString | tr (const char *key) |
Short hand for WString::tr() More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void(WObject::* | Method) () |
Typedef for a WObject method without arguments. | |
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virtual void | propagateSetEnabled (bool enabled) |
Propagates that a widget was enabled or disabled through children. More... | |
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virtual void | enableAjax () |
Progresses to an Ajax-enabled widget. More... | |
virtual WStatelessSlot * | getStateless (Method method) |
On-demand stateless slot implementation. More... | |
virtual void | render (WFlags< RenderFlag > flags) |
Renders the widget. More... | |
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void | setLayoutSizeAware (bool sizeAware) |
Sets the widget to be aware of its size set by a layout manager. More... | |
virtual void | layoutSizeChanged (int width, int height) |
Virtual method that indicates a size change. More... | |
WWidget (WContainerWidget *parent=0) | |
Creates a widget. More... | |
virtual void | dropEvent (WDropEvent dropEvent) |
Handles a drop event. More... | |
virtual int | boxPadding (Orientation orientation) const |
Returns the widget's built-in padding. More... | |
virtual int | boxBorder (Orientation orientation) const |
Returns the widget's built-in border width. More... | |
void | scheduleRender (WFlags< RepaintFlag > flags=0) |
Schedules rerendering of the widget. More... | |
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static WObject * | sender () |
Returns the sender of the current slot call. More... | |
A widget that displays data in a table.
This class is an MVC view widget, which works in conjunction with a WAbstractItemModel for the data. The model may be set (and changed) using setModel().
The widget may be configured to allow the user to hide or resize columns, sort on column data, or reorder columns using drag&drop.
By default, the table is not editable. Use setEditor() to specify a form field that may be used for inline editing for a particular column. Changes are then reflected in the model().
The table supports single and multiple selection modes, that work on a row-level, or cell-level. The latter option is enforced when the table is editable.
By default, the data of the model is stored client-side, but this may be changed using setDataLocation() to be server-side. The latter option allows, in conjunction with a paging tool bar (see createPagingToolBar()) to support viewing (and editing) of large data sets.
Although TableView inherits from Container (through Panel), specifying a layout for adding or removing widgets is not supported. The Panel methods to specify tool bars, titles, and buttons are however supported.
A TableView has the table.x-grid3-row-table
style classes.
Wt::Ext::TableView::TableView | ( | WContainerWidget * | parent = 0 | ) |
Create a new table view.
You should specify a model using setModel(WAbstractItemModel *).
bool Wt::Ext::TableView::alternatingRowColors | ( | ) | const |
Return if rows are rendered with alternating colors.
Signal<int, int>& Wt::Ext::TableView::cellClicked | ( | ) |
Signal emitted when a cell is clicked.
The signal arguments are row and column of the cell that is clicked.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::clearSelection | ( | ) |
Clear the current selection.
AlignmentFlag Wt::Ext::TableView::columnAlignment | ( | int | column | ) | const |
Return the horizontal content alignment of a column.
bool Wt::Ext::TableView::columnsMovable | ( | ) | const |
Return if columns are movable.
int Wt::Ext::TableView::columnWidth | ( | int | column | ) | const |
Return the column width.
ToolBar * Wt::Ext::TableView::createPagingToolBar | ( | ) |
Create a paging tool bar.
Create a toolbar that provides paging controls for this table. You should configure the page size using setPageSize(int).
Signal<int, int, int, int>& Wt::Ext::TableView::currentCellChanged | ( | ) |
Signal emitted when a new cell received focus.
This signal is only emitted when selectionBehavior() is SelectItems. The four arguments are row, column, prevrow, prevcolumn which hold respectively the location of the new focussed cell, and the previously focussed cell.
Values of -1 indicate 'no selection'.
int Wt::Ext::TableView::currentColumn | ( | ) | const |
Return the index of the column currently selected.
int Wt::Ext::TableView::currentRow | ( | ) | const |
Return the index of the row currently selected.
static |
Create a date renderer for the given format.
The result is a JavaScript function that renders WDate (or more precisely, Ext.Date) values according to the given format, for use in setRenderer()
void Wt::Ext::TableView::enableColumnHiding | ( | int | column, |
bool | enable | ||
) |
Allow a column to be hidden through its context menu.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::hideColumn | ( | int | column | ) |
Hide a column.
bool Wt::Ext::TableView::isColumnHidden | ( | int | column | ) | const |
Return if a column is hidden.
bool Wt::Ext::TableView::isColumnHidingEnabled | ( | int | column | ) | const |
Return if a column may be hidden through its context menu.
bool Wt::Ext::TableView::isColumnSortable | ( | int | column | ) | const |
Return if a column is sortable.
Signal& Wt::Ext::TableView::itemSelectionChanged | ( | ) |
Signal emitted when the selection changes.
WAbstractItemModel* Wt::Ext::TableView::model | ( | ) | const |
Return the model.
int Wt::Ext::TableView::pageSize | ( | ) | const |
Return the page size.
virtual |
Refresh the widget.
The refresh method is invoked when the locale is changed using WApplication::setLocale() or when the user hit the refresh button.
The widget must actualize its contents in response.
Reimplemented from Wt::Ext::Panel.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::resizeColumnsToContents | ( | bool | onResize = false | ) |
Let the table view resize columns to fit their contents.
By default, columns are sized using the column sizes that are provided. Using this method, this is changed to let columns expand to fit the entire table. By setting onResize, this is done also whenever the entire table or one of the columns is resized.
const std::vector<int>& Wt::Ext::TableView::selectedRows | ( | ) |
The list of rows that are currently selected.
This is the way to retrieve the list of currently selected rows when selectionBehavior() is SelectRows. This list is always empty when selectionBehavior() is SelectItems and you should use currentRow() and currentColumn() instead.
SelectionBehavior Wt::Ext::TableView::selectionBehavior | ( | ) | const |
Return the current selection behaviour.
SelectionMode Wt::Ext::TableView::selectionMode | ( | ) | const |
Return the current selection mode.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setAlternatingRowColors | ( | bool | enable | ) |
Render rows with alternating colors.
By defaults, all rows are rendered using the same color.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setAutoExpandColumn | ( | int | column, |
int | minWidth = 50 , |
int | maxWidth = 1000 |
) |
Set the column which will auto-expand to take the remaining space.
By default the last column will do that.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setColumnAlignment | ( | int | column, |
AlignmentFlag | alignment | ||
) |
Set the horizontal content alignment of a column.
The default value is AlignLeft. The alignment parameter is a horizontal alignment flag.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setColumnHidden | ( | int | column, |
bool | hide | ||
) |
Change the visibility of a column.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setColumnsMovable | ( | bool | movable | ) |
Allow the user to move columns using drag and drop.
Setting movable to true, enables the user to move columns around by drag and drop.
Note: this currently breaks the CellSelection mode to record the view column number, but not the data column number.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setColumnSortable | ( | int | column, |
bool | sortable | ||
) |
Allow a column to be sorted by the user.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setColumnWidth | ( | int | column, |
int | pixels | ||
) |
Set the column width (in pixels) for a column.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setCurrentCell | ( | int | row, |
int | column | ||
) |
Give a cell focus.
When selectionBehavior() is SelectRows, only the row argument is used, and the effect is to select a particular row.
Even when selectionMode() is ExtendedSelection, this method will first clear selection, and the result is that the given row,column will be the only selected cell.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setDataLocation | ( | DataLocation | dataLocation | ) |
Configure the location of the data.
By default, data is stored at the client, and therefore entirely transmitted when rendering the table for the first time. Alternatively, the data may be kept at the server. Unless a paging tool bar is configured however, this will still cause the entire table to be anyway, after the table is rendered. When a paging tool bar is configured, only a single page of data is displayed, and transmitted, giving the best performance for big data sets.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setEditor | ( | int | column, |
FormField * | editor | ||
) |
Configure an editor for the given column.
Sets an inline editor that will be used to edit values in this column. The edited value will be reflected in the data model.
When configuring an editor, the selectionBehaviour() is set to SelectItems mode.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setHighlightMouseOver | ( | bool | highlight | ) |
Configure if the row under the mouse will be highlighted.
By default, the row under the mouse is not highlighted.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setModel | ( | WAbstractItemModel * | model | ) |
Specify the model.
You can change the model at any time, with the contraint that you should keep the same column configuration.
You may also reset the same model. This will result in retransmission of the model from scratch. In some cases, this could result in a higher preformance when you have removed many rows or modified a lot of data.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setPageSize | ( | int | pageSize | ) |
Configure a page size to browse the data page by page.
By setting a pageSize that is different from -1, the table view will display only single pages of the whole data set. You should probably add a paging tool bar to allow the user to scroll through the pages.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setRenderer | ( | int | column, |
const std::string & | rendererJS | ||
) |
Configure a custom renderer for the given column.
Sets a JavaScript function to render values in the given column. The JavaScript function takes one argument (the value), which has a type that corresponds to the C++ type:
C++ type | JavaScript type |
WString | string |
WDate | Ext.Date |
number type | number |
An example of rendererJS for numerical data, which renders positive values in green and negative values in red could be:
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setSelectionBehavior | ( | SelectionBehavior | behavior | ) |
Set the selection behaviour.
The selection behavior defines the unit of selection. The selection behavior also determines the set of methods that must be used to inspect the current selection.
You may either:
void Wt::Ext::TableView::setSelectionMode | ( | SelectionMode | mode | ) |
Set the selection mode.
The selection mode determines if no, only one, or multiple items may be selected.
When selectionBehavior() is SelectItems, ExtendedSelection is not supported.
void Wt::Ext::TableView::showColumn | ( | int | column | ) |
Show a column.