Wt  3.7.1
Classes | Enumerations
Painting system

Classes that provide support for vector graphics painting. More...


class  Wt::WBrush
 A value class that defines the style for filling a path. More...
class  Wt::WCanvasPaintDevice
 A paint device for rendering using the HTML 5 <canvas> element. More...
class  Wt::WColor
 A value class that defines a color. More...
class  Wt::WFont
 A value class that describes a font. More...
class  Wt::WGradient
 A linear or radial gradient. More...
class  Wt::WLineF
 Utility class that defines a single line. More...
class  Wt::WPaintDevice
 The abstract base class for a paint device. More...
class  Wt::WPaintedWidget
 A widget that is painted using vector graphics. More...
class  Wt::WPainter
 Vector graphics painting class. More...
class  Wt::WPainterPath
 A path defining a shape. More...
class  Wt::WPdfImage
 A paint device for rendering to a PDF. More...
class  Wt::WPen
 A value class that defines the style for pen strokes. More...
class  Wt::WPointF
 A value class that defines a 2D point. More...
class  Wt::WRasterImage
 A paint device for rendering to a raster image. More...
class  Wt::WRectF
 A value class that defines a rectangle. More...
class  Wt::WShadow
 A value class that defines a shadow style. More...
class  Wt::WSvgImage
 A paint device for rendering using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). More...
class  Wt::WTransform
 A value class that defines a 2D affine transformation matrix. More...
class  Wt::WVectorImage
 An abstract paint device for rendering using native vector graphics. More...
class  Wt::WVmlImage
 A paint device for rendering using the VML pseudo-standard. More...


enum  Wt::PenStyle {
  Wt::NoPen, Wt::SolidLine, Wt::DashLine, Wt::DotLine,
  Wt::DashDotLine, Wt::DashDotDotLine
 Enumeration that indicates a pen style. More...
enum  Wt::PenCapStyle { Wt::FlatCap, Wt::SquareCap, Wt::RoundCap }
 Enumeration that indicates how line end points are rendered. More...
enum  Wt::PenJoinStyle { Wt::MiterJoin, Wt::BevelJoin, Wt::RoundJoin }
 Enumeration that indicates how line joins are rendered. More...
enum  Wt::BrushStyle { Wt::NoBrush, Wt::SolidPattern, Wt::GradientPattern }
 Enumeration that indicates a fill style. More...
enum  Wt::GradientStyle { Wt::LinearGradient, Wt::RadialGradient }
 Enumeration that indicates a gradient style. More...

Detailed Description

Classes that provide support for vector graphics painting.

Wt provides a vector graphics painting system, which depending on the browser support, uses one of four different methods to paint the graphics (inline SVG, inline VML, HTML 5 <canvas> or a raster image). Vector graphics has as benefit a lower bandwidth usage compared to raster images, indepedent of the image size. To use the paint system, you need to specialize WPaintedWidget and use a WPainter to paint the contents of the widget inside its WPaintedWidget::paintEvent().

In addition, a PDF backend is included in the library, which can be used to make a PDF version of a painting, or to embed a painting in a PDF document.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BrushStyle

Enumeration that indicates a fill style.


Do not fill.


Fill with a solid color.


Fill with a color gradient.

◆ GradientStyle

Enumeration that indicates a gradient style.


Linear gradient.


Radial gradient.

◆ PenCapStyle

Enumeration that indicates how line end points are rendered.


Flat ends.


Square ends (prolongs line with half width)


Round ends (terminates with a half circle)

◆ PenJoinStyle

Enumeration that indicates how line joins are rendered.


Pointy joins.


Squared-off joins.


Rounded joins.

◆ PenStyle

Enumeration that indicates a pen style.


Do not stroke.


Stroke with a solid line.


Stroked with a dashed line.


Stroke with a dotted line.


Stroke with a dash dot line.


Stroke with a dash dot dot line.

Generated on Tue Dec 15 2020 for the C++ Web Toolkit (Wt) by doxygen 1.8.13