Wt  4.11.3
Library overview


 1. Widgets
1.1 Layout
1.2 Style
1.3 Widget containers

 2. Application URL(s)

 3. Startup and session management

 4. Signal/slot event handling

 5. Optimizing client-side event handling

 6. Application bootstrap

6.1 Default bootstrap
6.1 Progressive bootstrap

 7. Painting

 8. Internationalization

 9. Deployment

9.1 Built-in httpd
9.2 FastCGI

 10. Configuration

10.1 Session management (wt_config.xml)
10.2 General application settings (wt_config.xml)
10.3 Wt httpd (command-line or configuration file) options
10.4 FastCGI options (wt_config.xml)
10.5 ISAPI options (wt_config.xml)

 11. Error handling and logging

 1. Widgets

The WWidget class represents a widget, which provides an abstraction of a visual entity. The entire user interface is specified by creating a hierarchical structure of WWidgets, rooted at WApplication::root(). By reacting to events related to these widgets, you can perform business logic, and manipulate the widget hierarchy to update the user interface.

When inserting a widget in the widget hierarchy, ownership is transferred to its parent in the tree. Thus, when deleting a widget, all of its children are deleted as well, significantly reducing the burden of memory management related to widgets. When the WApplication object is deleted, the root of the tree is deleted, and in this way all resources associated with any widget are freed.

Any descendent class of WWidget is a self-contained (reusable) class that encapsulates both the look and behaviour, enabling the design of the user interface in an orthogonal way.

1.1 Layout

Widgets are layed out (with a few exceptions) following this hierarchical structure. You have two choices for layout of children within a container.

  • Either you use a CSS based layout (perhaps in combination with a WTemplate for the HTML markup), in which case the CSS style properties of the container and children together determine the result: each child manages its layout with respect to its sibling following a (rather complex) set of rules.
  • Alternatively, Wt provides layout managers that may be used for layout.

CSS distinguishes between inline and block level elements (widgets) for deciding how to add them to the layout. Text-like widgets (inline) flow with sibling inline widgets in lines, wrapping at the right edge of the parent container. In contrast, widgets displayed as a block stack vertically with respect to sibling widgets. Block widgets allow more control over their position and size than inline widgets, and may also float to the left or right border of the parent container.

Layout managers are implemented by classes that derive from WLayout, and are used in conjunction with the WContainerWidget container. A layout manager adapts the size and location of the children to the width and height of the parent. If you want the opposite (i.e. to adapt the size (width and/or height) of the parent to the size of the children), then you can still use layout managers, but you need to set additional alignment flags which determine how the layout is positioned in the parent in case of excess width and/or height.

1.2 Style

For visual markup of widgets, the recommended way is to use CSS style sheets. These allow the visual look to be defined separately from the the rest of the application. External style sheets may be loaded using WApplication::useStyleSheet(), and the internal style sheet may be manipulated using WApplication::styleSheet().

In the style sheets, you describe rules that are prefixed by CSS selectors. By setting matching style classes for your widgets using WWidget::setStyleClass(), these rules will be applied to your widgets. The recommended way for visual response to events is by changing the style class for the widget.

In addition to style sheets, Wt also supports the direct manipulation of a widget's style, using WWidget::decorationStyle().

1.3 Widget containers

With a few exceptions, all widgets are children of (and contained in) a container widget such as WContainerWidget or WTableCell. A widget may be inserted into a WContainerWidget by adding the widget to the container using WContainerWidget::addWidget(). You may also add a widget to a container using a layout manager.

 2. Application URL(s)

By default, a Wt application is a single page web application: the URL does not change. Still, an application may manage multiple URLs that correspond to internal paths. These are URLs that are created by appending an internal path to the application URL. The internal path may be manipulated through WApplication::setInternalPath(). When the internal path changes, this is reflected in the browser URL and an entry is added to the browser history, allowing the user to use the back and forward buttons to navigate through your application.

To avoid rerendering the entire widget tree for each internal path change, when Ajax is available, the internal path is indicated either by manipulating the URL using the HTML5 History API, or by using a named anchor (#) after the deployment URL. For a plain HTML session, the session ID is appended to the URL to avoid the session from reloading when the user navigates to a new internal URL using a WAnchor.

To effectively change the internal path and obtain consistent behaviour with or without JavaScript, you should use a WAnchor to let the user navigate to a new internal path. The easiest way to do this is by using WAnchor::setLink(). This refers the WAnchor to a URL generated by WApplication::bookmarkUrl() for the new internal path (handling the plain HTML case), and binds a JavaScript slot to its WAnchor::clicked() signal, which changes the internal path (handling the Ajax case).

Finally, you can listen for path changes using the WApplication::internalPathChanged() event to react to the user navigating through his history.

 3. Startup and session management

In your application, e.g. from within your main(), you can use WRun() to start the Wt application server. This method will return only when shutdown is signaled by the environment, and after the application server (and all remaining active sessions) has been properly shut down. One parameter to the WRun() function is a createApplication function object. Alternatively, if you wish to have more control over the application server, you may also instantiate and configure a WServer instance directly.

For every new session (which corresponds to a new user accessing your web application), the library calls your createApplication callback function to create a new WApplication object for that session. The request arguments (as part of the WEnvironment object) are passed to this createApplication function, and may be used to customize the application or authenticate the user. See also  6. Application bootstrap for details on the application bootstrap method.

At all times, the WApplication instance is accessible using the static method WApplication::instance(), and is useful to inspect startup arguments and settings (using WApplication::environment()), to set or change the application title (WApplication::setTitle()), to specify a locale (WApplication::setLocale()) for rendering, and many other application-wide settings. In a multi-threaded environment, access to this instance is implemented using thread local storage.

A session exits when the user browses away from the application, when WApplication::quit() is called, or when the application server is shut down. In any case, the application object together with the entire widget tree for that session is first properly deleted. Therefore, you should release resources held by your widgets or application in the destructors of these objects.

The library offers two different mechanisms to map sessions onto processes: dedicated processes (not with ISAPI deployment) and shared processes. The first mechanism forks a dedicated process for every distinct session. This provides the kernel-level isolation of different sessions, which may be useful for highly security sensitive applications. The second mechanism spawns a number of processes and allocates new sessions randomly to one of these processes (when using the built-in httpd, only one process is used in total). This reduces the danger for DoS attacks, but requires more careful programming as memory corruption affects all sessions in a single process, and sessions are not isolated by any other mechanism but correct programming.

 4. Signal/slot event handling

To respond to user-interactivity events, or in general to communicate events from one widget to any other, Wt uses a signal/slot system.

A slot can be any function, bound using std::bind(), but special support exists for methods of descendants of WObject with respect to connection management: the signal will be disconnected when the bound object is deleted.

To connect a signal with a slot, the only requirement is that the method signature of the slot must be compatible with the signal definition. In this way every method may be used as a slot, and it is not necessary to explicitly indicate a particular method to be a slot (as is needed in Qt), by putting them in a special section. Nevertheless, you may still do that if you wish to emphasize that these functions can be used as slots, or, if you have done extra work to optimize the implementation of these methods as client-side JavaScript code (see below).

A signal may be created by adding a Signal<X, ...> object. You may specify arguments which may be of arbitrary types that are Copyable, that may be passed through the signal to connected slots.

The library defines several user event signals on various widgets, and it is easy and convenient to add signals and slots to widget classes to communicate events and trigger callbacks.

Event signals (EventSignal<E>) are signals that may be triggered internally by the library to respond to user interactivity events. The abstract base classes WInteractWidget and WFormWidget define most of these event signals. To react to one of these events, the programmer connects a self-defined or already existing slot to such a signal.

 5. Optimizing client-side event handling

By default, Wt performs all event processing server-side. Every connected event signal will cause the web browser to communicate with the web server in order to invoke the callback code, and visual changes will be updated in the web page.

However, Wt offers several options for incorporating client-side event handling. This may in general increase responsiveness of the application since the user gets an instant feedback, avoiding the typical communication delay is avoided.

The least flexible but most convenient option for client-side event handling is letting Wt learn the visual effect of a slot and cache it in JavaScript code in the browser. In this way, the functionality is still specified in C++, and therefore the application still works equally when JavaScript is not available. The only restriction is that this is only possible for stateless callback code – i.e. when the visual update does not depend on state that may change in the course of the application, or event details. See the documentation of WObject::implementStateless for details, or the Treelist example for the use of stateless implementations to create a treelist widget that does all node expansion / collapsing client-side, at least if JavaScript is available.

The stateless slot learning allows applications to be developed entirely in C++, with only one specification of the desired behaviour, and decide at run-time to optimize certain event handling in client-side JavaScript if possible, and fallback to server-side event handling otherwise.

When the requirements for stateless slot learning cannot be met you will have to resort to writing JavaScript manually. Wt provides a number of mechanisms to integrate JavaScript code with C++:

  • Using JSlot, you can specify the JavaScript for a slot, when connected to an EventSignal.
  • Using JSignal, you can emit a C++ signal from JavaScript code, using a JavaScript function Wt.emit().
  • Using WApplication::doJavaScript(), you can call JavaScript code directly as part of event handling.

 6. Application bootstrap

A Wt application may support both plain HTML and Ajax-enabled user agents. When a first request is made for a new session, there is no way of knowing whether the agent supports Ajax (and has it enabled). The bootstrap procedure therefore has two strategies of making the choice between a plain HTML and Ajax-enabled application mode.

6.1 Default bootstrap

In the default bootstrap mode, for the normal case, a small bootstrap HTML file is served, which detects presence of Ajax (and various other environment properties such as presence of an internal path as an anchor, cookie support, and IE VML DPI setting). If no JavaScript support is available, it automatically redirects the user to a plain HTML version of the application.

In this mode, the application is not started until the library has determined Ajax support, which is made available in WEnvironment::ajax() which is passed to the application constructor.

In some special cases, this bootstrap is skipped and a plain HTML version is served. This is for user agents that are identified as spider bots, or user agents which are configured to not support Ajax (well), see the user-agents configuration setting.

There are some drawbacks to this bootstrap method:

  • the redirection without JavaScript support may not be supported by all user agents, leaving these with a link and a redirect message (see the redirect-message configuration setting)
  • there is an additional roundtrip before any contents is rendered
  • for an Ajax user interface, all contents will be loaded through JavaScript. This has a drawback that some 3rd party JavaScript libraries do not support being loaded on-demand (with as most notable example, Google ads).

6.1 Progressive bootstrap

Since Wt 2.99.4, a new bootstrap method has been added (initially proposed by Anthony Roger Buck). While the default bootstrap already honors the principle of graceful degradation, this bootstrap implements this using the principle of progressive enhancement (and quite literally so).

This bootstrap method may be enabled with the progressive-bootstrap configuration setting.

This bootstrap method will initially assume that the user agent is a plain HTML user agent and immediately create the application (with WEnvironment::ajax() always returning false). The initial response will contain the initial page suitable for a plain HTML user-agent.

JavaScript embedded in this page will sense for Ajax support and trigger a second request which progresses the application to an Ajax application (without repainting the user interface). To that extent, it will change WEnvironment::ajax() to return true, and invoke WApplication::enableAjax() which in turn propagates WWidget::enableAjax() through the widget hierarchy. This upgrade happens in the back-ground, unnoticed to the user.

This mitigates disadvantages associated with the default bootstrap, but has the drawback of requiring consistent enableAjax() implementations and requiring more server-side processing.

 7. Painting

Wt provides a vector graphics painting system which depending on the browser support uses one of three different methods to paint the graphics (inline SVG, inline VML or HTML 5 <canvas> element). Vector graphics has as benefit a lower bandwidth usage, which is indepedent of the image size and quality, and can be embedded within the HTML, avoiding an additional roundtrip. To use the paint system, you need to specialize WPaintedWidget and use a WPainter to paint the contents of the widget inside its WPaintedWidget::paintEvent().

 8. Internationalization

Wt's WString class offers an interface to translate strings by using the static WString::tr("key") method to construct a WString. These key values will be lookup up in so-called message resource bundles (see WMessageResourceBundle). These are a set of xml files that translate the keys to a localized string. The name of the xml file determines the language contained therein (e.g. foo.xml, foo-nl.xml, foo-cn.xml)

The strings that are used by classes within the Wt library use the same system to translate their strings. English messages will be used by default and are built into Wt. If you want to translate e.g. the months of a WCalendar, copy src/xml/wt.xml and translate them to your language of choice. From then on, you can call WMessageResourceBundle::use() in your application and use your own replacement XML files, which will take precedence over the built-in translations.

Wt also supports plural forms of nouns, to translate such string use the static WString::trn("key", n) function. The WMessageResourceBundle class documentation contains an example on how to format the xml resource bundle to use this functionality.

 9. Deployment

The library is designed so that, besides the application binary, only files from the resources/ folder are needed to deploy the application. The resources folder contains icons, style sheets associated with themes, and other resources specific for special widgets. The URL at which the resources/ folder is deployed is based on the resourcesURL configuration property (see see configuration properties), which defaults to "/resources".

In addition, you may need to deploy also your own CSS files, custom icons/images, and/or static pages that you reference from your application, onto your web server.

Your application may also use other files which do not need to be published online, but are instead read only by your application. These files include message resource files (containing localized text strings), the wt configuration file, your own configuration files, etc... You can deploy these to an application root (see WApplication::appRoot()), whose location is configured in a way that is specific for each connector.

9.1 Built-in httpd

When linking your application against libwthttp, the resulting binary is a stand-alone HTTP/WebSockets server. The web server will act as a plain web server in addition to serving the Wt application.

The following locations for the wt_config.xml configuration file are considered, in this order:

  • command-line parameter –config or -c
  • value of environment variable $WT_CONFIG_XML
  • within the appRoot, as configured by command line paramater –approot, or the environment variable $WT_APP_ROOT: appRoot/wt_config.xml
  • the compile-time default (/etc/wt/wt_config.xml)

Use the –deploy-path parameter to deploy the application at a specific URL. By default, the application is deployed at '/'.

When the application is deployed at a path ending with '/' (i.e. a folder path), only an exact match for a requested URL will be routed to the application itself. This behaviour avoids deployment problems with the singular case where you deploy at '/' and no static files would be served by the web server. As a consequence, ugly URLs will be generated for internal paths. Since version 3.1.9, it is however possible to have clean URLs also when deploying at the root by specifically listing the folders that contain static assets in –docroot, followed by ';':

$ ../../build/examples/wt-homepage/Home.wt --docroot=".;/favicon.ico,/css,/resources,/style,/icons" ...
@ Home
Home key.

If a static file (e.g. style.css) is requested, and the static file with .gz extension (e.g. style.css.gz) exists, then the built-in httpd will assume that the .gz file is the gzipped version of the file without .gz, and will serve the .gz file instead of applying compression.

9.2 FastCGI

When linking your application against libwtfcgi, the resulting binary is a FastCGI binary. This binary may then be deployed and managed within a web server which supports the FastCGI protocol (these include apache, lighttpd and many other popular web servers).

The following locations for the wt_config.xml configuration file are considered, in this order:

  • value of environment variable $WT_CONFIG_XML
  • within the app root, as configured by the environment variable $WT_APP_ROOT: $WT_APP_ROOT/wt_config.xml
  • the compile-time default (/etc/wt/wt_config.xml),

Environment variables can be specified to a FastCGI application depending on the web server. E.g. for FastCGI, this is:

-initial-env WT_APP_ROOT=/opt/myapp


When linking your application against wtisapi, the resulting binary is an ISAPI plugin. This DLL may then be deployed and managed within Microsoft IIS.

The following locations for the wt_config.xml configuration file are considered, in this order:

  • within the app root, as configured by the INI file which has the same name as the application DLL, but with .INI append to it (e.g. C:\Program Files\WtApplications\Public\MyApplication.dll.ini ):
    appRoot=C:\Program Files\MyApplications\AppRoot
  • the compile-time default (/etc/wt/wt_config.xml)

 10. Configuration

Wt has one main XML configuration file, which by default is located in /etc/wt/wt_config.xml, but whose location can be overridden use environment settings and/or commandline parameters that are connector specific (see the connector supra).

The configuration file may specify several <application-settings>. The settings that apply are determined by the location attribute. Application settings for the '*' location are general settings, which may be overridden on a per-application level by settings with a location attribute that matches the location of the application (on the file system).

10.1 Session management (wt_config.xml)

These are options related to session management, and are specified inside <session-management> subsection.


Every session is mapped a dedicated process, allowing maximal session isolation, but at an increased session cost. This is not supported by the ISAPI connector. Note: when using the wthttp adapter, this will create a listening socket on the loopback interface ( for every session, with the parent process acting as a proxy. The following options can be put in the <dedicated-process> subsection.


Limits the amount of session processes.


Usually the dedicated session processes uses the same amount of threads as the parent process. This option changes the amount of threads the session processes use independently of the parent process. When this option is set the num-threads configuration option and the -t command line argument will only affect the parent process.


Sessions share a fixed number of processes, yielding a lower session cost. If neither dedicated-process nor the shared-process tags exist, Wt defaults to the shared process strategy.


How session tracking is implemented: automatically (using cookies when available, otherwise using URL rewriting), strictly using URL rewriting (which allows multiple concurrent sessions from one user), or a combined tracking strategy that uses URL rewriting in combination with a shared cookie between sessions in the same browser for extra session hijacking protection. The combined strategy does not fall back to only URL rewriting when cookies are not available: it will simply refuse access.


Should a brower reload spawn a new session (convenient for debugging) or simply refresh (using WApplication::refresh()) the current session ? This setting may have implications for the URL that is displayed, because session information in needed in the URL to handle the reload within the current session.


The timeout (in seconds) for detecting an idle session. A Wt application uses a keep-alive messages to keep the session alive as long as the user is visiting the page. Increasing this number will result in a longer time between keep-alive message, resulting in a lower server load, but at the same time will detect a dead session with a longer delay, and thus have on average more sessions in memory that are no longer used.


The timeout (in seconds) for detecting whether the user is idle. When the user does not interact with the application for the set number of seconds, WApplication::idleTimeout() is called. By default, this method quits the application immediately, but it can be overridden if different behaviour is desired.

This feature can be used to prvent others from taking over a session when the device that the Wt application is being used from is left behind, and is most effective in combination with a fairly short session timeout.

When omitted, or left empty, this feature is disabled


When using server-initiated updates, the client uses long-polling requests or WebSockets. Proxies (including reverse proxies) are notorious for silently closing idle requests; the client therefore cancels the long polling request after a timeout, and starts a new one, or does a ping/pong message over the WebSocket connection.

10.2 General application settings (wt_config.xml)

These options are indicated directly within <application-settings>, and specify settings that affect the run-time behaviour of the application.


When debugging is enabled, JavaScript errors are not caught, and thus will provide stack information when using a JavaScript debugger.


Path to the log file used for application logging (see Wt::log()). If not specified, logging is directed to stderr, which depending on the connector used ends up in the server error log, into the big void, or, simply to stderr.


Configuration for the built-in logger, which is passed on to WLogger::configure()


The maximum HTTP request size (Kb) that is accepted. An oversized request will result in a WApplication::requestTooLarge() signal.


The maximum size of the data in a POST request of type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' (used for Wt form values).


The maximum number of client-side events that are allowed to queue before the session stops.


Sets the number of threads to be used to handle Wt traffic. Depending on your application, you may want to increase the default size of 10 threads.


The length (in number of characters) for the unique session ID.


A fixed prefix for the session ID. You can use this to implement aid a load-balancer to figure out the destination for a particular request.


DoS prevention: limit plain HTML sessions. This is a simple measure which avoids Denial-of-Service attacks on plain HTML sessions, which are easy to mount in particular in the case of progressive bootstrap mode. This setting may be used to keep the ratio of plain HTML versus Ajax sessions under a certain ratio. Typically, most of your sessions will be Ajax sessions, and only a tiny fraction (e.g. less than 5%) will be plain HTML sessions. This ratio is only enforced when more than 20 sessions have been created.


DoS prevention: adds a puzzle to validate Ajax sessions. This is a simple measure which avoids Denial-of-Service attacks on Ajax sessions. When enabled, a puzzle needs to be solved in the first Ajax request which eliminates agents that do not build a proper DOM tree.


Whether the application presents rendered content as XHTML or HTML. Wt always renders XHTML1 compatible HTML, but by default indicates to the browser that it is in fact HTML. Before the adoption of HTML5, use inline SVG (see WSvgImage), it was necessary to present an XHTML mime type. Setting this option will do so only for browsers that indicate support for XHTML. Nowadays, this option is rarely useful.


By default Ajax and long polling are used to communicate between server and browser.

By enabling web socket support, if the browser supports WebSockets, then WebSocket is the protocol used for communication between client and server. WebSockets are currently only supported by the built-in httpd Connector, which acts as both an HTTP and WebSocket server, multiplexed on the same port(s).

Wt implements the final Web Sockets RFC candidate, as well as all prior drafts.


When the default bootstrap method is used, this message is used in the link which redirects to the user to a plain HTML version, in case his user agent does not support the automatic redirect.

behind-reverse-proxy (deprecated)

When enabling this option to indicate that the application is deployed behind a reverse proxy (as would be common if you use the wthttpd connector), the server location is not read from the "Host" header, but from the X-Forwarded-For header, if present.

This option has been deprecated in favor of the safer <trusted-proxy-config>.


When Wt is deployed behind a reverse proxy, and the wthttp connector is used, these options can be used so Wt can report the real client's IP address, as well as reacting to other headers, like X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host.


This is the header Wt should look at to determine the original IP address. This defaults to X-Forwarded-For.


Here you can list the IP addresses or subnets (in CIDR notation) of trusted reverse proxies. These are filtered out of X-Forwarded-For (or any header configured in original-ip-header). Wt will only look at the X-Forwarded-* headers if the request is coming from a trusted reverse proxy.

For example, to trust any loopback IP addresses:



Wt considers three types of sessions:

  • Ajax sessions: use Ajax and JavaScript
  • plain HTML sessions: use plain old server POSTs
  • bots: have clean internal paths, no persistent sessions, no html <form> elements, and no auto-generated DOM element id's.

By default, Wt does a browser detection to distinguish between the first two: if a browser supports JavaScript (and has it enabled), and has an Ajax DOM API, then Ajax sessions are chosen, otherwise plain HTML sessions.

Here, you may indicate which user agents should or should not receive an Ajax session regardless of what they report as capabilities, and which user agents should be treated as search bots. You can define three types of <user-agents> lists:

  • type="ajax" mode="white-list": these are the only user agents that are considered as Ajax-capable.
  • type="ajax" mode="black-list": these are user agents that are not considered as Ajax-capable.
  • type="bot": these are user-agents that are treated as bots.


<user-agents type="bot">
<user-agent>.*Sogou web spider.*</user-agent>


This boolean configuration option configures which bootstrap method is used, see  6. Application bootstrap.


This boolean configuration option configures whether loading the application is delayed at boot.

By default, the loading of the application is delayed. This can in some very specific circumstances lead to the browser waiting several seconds before loading the application. If this is a bug that you are facing, consider setting this to false. This could however impact your code if you inject JS during boot.


Application-specific properties which may be accessed using WApplication::readConfigurationProperty(). For example:

<property name="tinyMCEVersion">4</property>
<property name="tinyMCEBaseURL">/tinymce</property>
<property name="resourcesURL">/resources</property>
<property name="appRoot">/opt/myapp</property>


HTML that should be inserted into the <head> of every page. This can be used e.g. for adding meta and link tags.


HTTP headers that should be added to every HTTP response sent by wt. These can be headers that always need to be added for security reasons. For example, this is the default configuration with values that are advised to be present by OWASP ASVS:

<header name="X-Content-Type-Option" content="nosniff" />
<header name="Strict-Transport-Security" content="max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains" />
<header name="Referrer-Policy" content="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" />

This boolean configuration option configures whether the header X-Frame-Option "SAMEORIGIN" is sent when serving the main page or the bootstrap.

use-script-nonce Configure whether nonces are used for scripts

Setting this to true forces every script HTML tag to have the same nonce as the one given
in the header of the reply in order to be executed. This nonce is randomly generated for
each reply, helping to protect against XSS attack.

If you need to use script in a WResource, it is possible to obtain the nonce through the
response parameter given to WResource::handleRequest().

This will be used by Wt to generate a default CSP (Content Security Policy). The header will
have the following content:
<code>Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-{randomNonce}' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval'</code>.

This enforces:
  <li><strong>script-src 'nonce-{randomNonce}' 'stric-dynamic'</strong>:
    that any script loaded on the page served by Wt has a nonce attached to it. This makes sure that
    the random value is matched between the request and the response. Making XSS (Cross-Side Scripting)
    much harder. The 'strict-dynamic' identifier ensures that if any script that is served by Wt requests
    another script, that this can be safely loaded without a nonce. Essentially meaning that the initially
    served script is always trusted.
    that JavaScript eval() calls are still allowed. Wt uses these to process the updates the server returns.
    This response was already parsed by Wt, making any attack vector in it highly unlikely.

Developers can make this more scrict, and provide their own CSP header(s). This can be done in the
<strong>http-headers</strong> section. Any CSP header put there will be sent over together with the existing
default CSP header. This means the default one is the baseline, and any policy it dictates is the minimum
requirement. Only more strict rules the developer provides will be considered valid, and will be caught by the

10.3 Wt httpd (command-line or configuration file) options

These options are not specified in the wt_config.xml configuration file, but may be indicated on the command-line, or within a configuration file that is located at /etc/wt/wthttpd.

The configuration file syntax is line based:

  • A line in the form:

    name = value

    gives a value to an option.

  • The # character introduces a comment that spans until the end of the line.

Allowed options:
General options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-t [ --threads ] arg (=-1) number of threads (-1 indicates that
num_threads from wt_config.xml is to be
used, which defaults to 10)
--servername arg servername (IP address or DNS name)
--docroot arg document root for static files,
optionally followed by a
comma-separated list of paths with
static files (even if they are within a
deployment path), after a ';'
e.g. --docroot=".;/favicon.ico,/resourc
--resources-dir arg path to the Wt resources folder. By
default, Wt will look for its resources
in the resources subfolder of the
docroot (see --docroot). If a file is
not found in that resources folder,
this folder will be checked instead as
a fallback. If this option is omitted,
then Wt will not use a fallback
resources folder.
--approot arg application root for private support
files; if unspecified, the value of the
environment variable $WT_APP_ROOT is
used, or else the current working
--errroot arg root for error pages
--accesslog arg access log file (defaults to stdout),
to disable access logging completely,
use --accesslog=-
--no-compression do not use compression
--deploy-path arg (=/) location for deployment
--session-id-prefix arg prefix for session IDs (overrides
wt_config.xml setting)
-p [ --pid-file ] arg path to pid file (optional)
-c [ --config ] arg location of wt_config.xml; if
unspecified, the value of the
environment variable $WT_CONFIG_XML is
used, or else the built-in default
(/etc/wt/wt_config.xml) is tried, or else
built-in defaults are used
--mime-map-append arg location of wt_mimeMap.csv; the
mappings in wt_mimeMap will be added to
the default mappings.
--mime-map-override arg location of wt_mimeMap.csv; if
unspecified, the built-in default is
used. The mappings in wt_mimeMap will
be used instead of the default mappings.
--max-memory-request-size arg (=131072)
threshold for request size (bytes), for
spooling the entire request to disk, to
avoid DoS
--gdb do not shutdown when receiving Ctrl-C
(and let gdb break instead)
--static-cache-control Cache-Control header value for static
files (defaults to max-age=3600)
HTTP/WebSocket server options:
--http-listen arg address/port pair to listen on. If no
port is specified, 80 is used as the
default, e.g. will cause
the server to listen on port 8080 of (localhost). For IPv6, use
square brackets, e.g. [::1]:8080 will
cause the server to listen on port 8080
of [::1] (localhost). This argument can
be repeated, e.g. --http-listen --http-listen [0::0]:8080
will cause the server to listen on port
8080 of all interfaces using IPv4 and
IPv6. You must specify this option or
--https-listen at least once. The older
style --http-address and
--https-address can also be used for
backwards compatibility. If a hostname
is provided instead of an IP address,
the server will listen on all of the
addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) that this
hostname resolves to.
--http-address arg IPv4 (e.g. or IPv6 Address
(e.g. 0::0). You must specify either
--http-listen, --https-listen,
--http-address, or --https-address.
--http-port arg (=80) HTTP port (e.g. 80)
HTTPS/Secure WebSocket server options:
--https-listen arg address/port pair to listen on. If no
port is specified, 80 is used as the
default, e.g. will cause
the server to listen on port 8080 of (localhost). For IPv6, use
square brackets, e.g. [::1]:8080 will
cause the server to listen on port 8080
of [::1] (localhost). This argument can
be repeated, e.g. --https-listen --https-listen [0::0]:8080
will cause the server to listen on port
8080 of all interfaces using IPv4 and
IPv6. If a hostname is provided instead
of an IP address, the server will
listen on all of the addresses (IPv4
and IPv6) that this hostname resolves
--https-address arg IPv4 (e.g. or IPv6 Address
(e.g. 0::0). You must specify either
--http-listen, --https-listen,
--http-address, or --https-address.
--https-port arg (=443) HTTPS port (e.g. 443)
--ssl-certificate arg SSL server certificate chain file
e.g. "/etc/ssl/certs/vsign1.pem"
--ssl-private-key arg SSL server private key file
e.g. "/etc/ssl/private/company.pem"
--ssl-tmp-dh arg File for temporary Diffie-Hellman
e.g. "/etc/ssl/dh512.pem"
--ssl-enable-v3 Switch on SSLv3 support (not
recommended; disabled by default)
--ssl-client-verification arg (=none) The verification mode for client
This is either 'none', 'optional' or
'required'. When 'none', the server
will not request a client certificate.
When 'optional', the server will
request a certificate, but the client
does not have to supply one. With
'required', the connection will be
terminated if the client does not
provide a valid certificate.
--ssl-verify-depth arg (=1) Specifies the maximum length of the
server certificate chain.
--ssl-ca-certificates arg Path to a file containing the
concatenated trusted CA certificates,
which can be used to authenticate the
client. The file should contains a a
number of PEM-encoded certificates.
--ssl-cipherlist arg List of acceptable ciphers for SSL.
This list is passed as-is to the SSL
layer, so see openssl for the proper
syntax. When empty, the default
acceptable cipher list will be used.
Example cipher list string:
--ssl-prefer-server-ciphers arg (=0) By default, the client's preference is
used for determining the cipher that is
choosen during a SSL or TLS handshake.
By enabling this option, the server's
preference will be used.
Settings may be set in the configuration file /etc/wt/wthttpd
The namespace for Wt.
Definition: strand.hpp:29

10.4 FastCGI options (wt_config.xml)

These options only apply to FastCGI-based deployment, and are specified inside a <connector-fcgi> subsection.


Set the path to valgrind for debugging using valgrind. This requires that debugging is enabled and debug is passed to the application as last request parameter.

The path that is used by the library for managing sessions.

10.5 ISAPI options (wt_config.xml)

These options only apply to ISAPI-based deployment, and are are specified inside a <connector-isapi> subsection.

Every HTTP request whose size is smaller than this parameter will be buffered in memory. Larger requests, such as large file uploads, will be spooled to a file. You probably do not want to change this parameter.

10.6 extending MIME type support (wt_mimeMap.csv)

By default, Wt comes with a handful of file extensions for which it knows the MIME type. When Wt serves a static file with one of these extension, it will set the corresponding content-type header to the correct MIME type in the response.

If you wish to customize the mapping from file extension to MIME type, this can be done by specifying the path to a CSV file. This file must be a CSV file with two columns. The first column is the file extension (without the '.' in front) and the second column is the corresponding MIME type. Capitalization does not matter in the file, as the content is always sent in lower case.

 11. Error handling and logging

Wt provides logging of events to a log-file (see the log-file configuration setting). Every log entry has a timestamp, the process id and the session id. Wt uses four different event types, from least to most severe:


Informational notices. These are events that may be interesting for late analysis of other problems, for performance analysis, or estimating server load.

Generated using Wt::log(), e.g.:

Wt::log("info") << "Message";


Warnings. These events are generated when you are using the API in a way that may not have been as intended.

Generated using Wt::log(), e.g.:

Wt::log("warn") << "Message";


Non-fatal application errors. These errors indicate for example unexpected input from the web browser or application user, XML parsing problems, but not necessarily a programming error.

Generated using Wt::log(), e.g.:

Wt::log("error") << "Message";


Non-fatal security errors and/or notices.


Fatal application errors. These errors terminate the current session (but not the application server), and are errors that indicate a programming error. For example, this error is triggered by misuses of the API.

Generated by throwing a std::exception.

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