Class WCalendar

public class WCalendar extends WCompositeWidget
A calendar.

The calendar provides navigation by month and year, and indicates the current day.

You can listen for single click or double click events on a calendar cell using the clicked() and activated() methods.

The calendar may be configured to allow selection of single or multiple days using setSelectionMode(), and you may listen for changes in the selection using the selectionChanged() signals. Selection can also be entirely disabled in which case you can implement your own selection handling by listening for cell click events.

Cell rendering may be customized by reimplementing renderCell().

Internationalization is provided by the internationalization features of the WDate class.

Here is a snapshot, taken on 19/01/2010 (shown as today), and 14/01/2010 currently selected.

WCalendar with default look

WCalendar with polished look

  • Constructor Details

    • WCalendar

      public WCalendar(WContainerWidget parentContainer)
      Creates a new calendar.

      Constructs a new calendar with English day/month names. The calendar shows the current day, and has an empty selection.

    • WCalendar

      public WCalendar()
      Creates a new calendar.

      Calls this((WContainerWidget)null)

  • Method Details

    • setSelectionMode

      public void setSelectionMode(SelectionMode mode)
      Sets the selection mode.

      The default selection mode is SingleSelection.

    • browseToPreviousYear

      public void browseToPreviousYear()
      Browses to the same month in the previous year.

      Displays the same month in the previous year. This does not affect the selection.

      This will emit the currentPageChanged() singal.

    • browseToPreviousMonth

      public void browseToPreviousMonth()
      Browses to the previous month.

      Displays the previous month. This does not affect the selection.

      This will emit the currentPageChanged() singal.

    • browseToNextYear

      public void browseToNextYear()
      Browses to the same month in the next year.

      Displays the same month in the next year. This does not change the current selection.

      This will emit the currentPageChanged() singal.

    • browseToNextMonth

      public void browseToNextMonth()
      Browses to the next month.

      Displays the next month. This does not change the current selection.

      This will emit the currentPageChanged() singal.

    • browseTo

      public void browseTo(WDate date)
      Browses to a date.

      Displays the month which contains the given date. This does not change the current selection.

      This will emit the currentPageChanged() signal if another month is displayed.

    • getCurrentMonth

      public int getCurrentMonth()
      Returns the current month displayed.

      Returns the month (1-12) that is currently displayed.

    • getCurrentYear

      public int getCurrentYear()
      Returns the current year displayed.

      Returns the year that is currently displayed.

    • clearSelection

      public void clearSelection()
      Clears the current selection.

      Clears the current selection. Will result in a getSelection() that is empty().

    • select

      public void select(WDate date)
      Selects a date.

      Select one date. Both in single or multiple selection mode, this results in a getSelection() that contains exactly one date.

    • select

      public void select(Set<WDate> dates)
      Selects multiple dates.

      Select multiple dates. In multiple selection mode, this results in a getSelection() that contains exactly the given dates. In single selection mode, at most one date is set.

    • setHorizontalHeaderFormat

      public void setHorizontalHeaderFormat(CalendarHeaderFormat format)
      Sets the horizontal header format.

      The default horizontal header format is CalendarHeaderFormat.ShortDayNames.

    • getHorizontalHeaderFormat

      public CalendarHeaderFormat getHorizontalHeaderFormat()
      Returns the horizontal header format.

      See Also:
    • setFirstDayOfWeek

      public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek)
      Sets the first day of the week.

      Possible values are 1 to 7. The default value is 1 ("Monday").

    • getSelection

      public Set<WDate> getSelection()
      Returns the current selection.

      Returns the set of dates currently selected. In single selection mode, this set contains 0 or 1 dates.

    • selectionChanged

      public Signal selectionChanged()
      Signal emitted when the user changes the selection.

      Emitted after the user has changed the current selection.

    • activated

      public Signal1<WDate> activated()
      Signal emitted when the user double-clicks a date.

      You may want to connect to this signal to treat a double click as the selection of a date.

    • clicked

      public Signal1<WDate> clicked()
      Signal emitted when the user clicks a date.

      You may want to connect to this signal if you want to provide a custom selection handling.

    • currentPageChanged

      public Signal2<Integer,Integer> currentPageChanged()
      Signal emitted when the current month is changed.

      The method is emitted both when the change is done through the user interface or via the public API. The two parameters are respectively the new year and month.

    • setSingleClickSelect

      public void setSingleClickSelect(boolean single)
      Configures the calendar to use single click for activation.

      By default, double click will trigger activate(). Use this method if you want a single click to trigger activate() (and the now deprecated selected() method). This only applies to a single-selection calendar.

      If selectionMode() is set to SingleSelection, this will cause the selection to change on a single click instead of a double click.

      Instead of enabling single click, you can also listen to the clicked() signal to process a single click.

      See Also:
    • setBottom

      public void setBottom(WDate bottom)
      Sets the bottom of the valid date range.

      The default bottom is null.

    • getBottom

      public WDate getBottom()
      Returns the bottom date of the valid range.
    • setTop

      public void setTop(WDate top)
      Sets the top of the valid date range.

      The default top is null.

    • getTop

      public WDate getTop()
      Returns the top date of the valid range.
    • load

      public void load()
      Description copied from class: WWidget
      Loads content just before the widget is used.

      This function is called when a widget is inserted in the widget hierarchy. Widgets that get inserted in the widget hierarchy will be rendered. Visible widgets are rendered immediately, and invisible widgets in the back-ground (or not for a plain HTML session). This method is called when the widget is directly or indirectly inserted into the widget tree.

      The default implementation simply propagates the load signal to its children. You may want to override this method to delay loading of resource-intensive contents.

      During the life-time of a widget, this method may be called multiple times, so you should make sure that you do a deferred initialization only once.

      load in class WCompositeWidget
    • render

      protected void render(EnumSet<RenderFlag> flags)
      Description copied from class: WWidget
      Renders the widget.

      This function renders the widget (or an update for the widget), after this has been scheduled using scheduleRender().

      The default implementation will render the widget by serializing changes to JavaScript and HTML. You may want to reimplement this widget if you have been postponing some of the layout / rendering implementation until the latest moment possible. In that case you should make sure you call the base implementation however.

      render in class WCompositeWidget
    • renderCell

      protected WWidget renderCell(WWidget widget, WDate date)
      Creates or updates a widget that renders a cell.

      The default implementation creates a WText

      You may want to reimplement this method if you wish to customize how a cell is rendered. When widget is null, a new widget should be created and returned. Otherwise, you may either modify the passed widget, or return a new widget. If you return a new widget, the prevoius widget will be deleted.

    • isSelected

      protected boolean isSelected(WDate d)
      Returns whether a date is selected.

      This is a convenience method that can be used when reimplementing renderCell().

    • enableAjax

      protected void enableAjax()
      Description copied from class: WWidget
      Progresses to an Ajax-enabled widget.

      This method is called when the progressive bootstrap method is used, and support for AJAX has been detected. The default behavior will upgrade the widget's event handling to use AJAX instead of full page reloads, and propagate the call to its children.

      You may want to reimplement this method if you want to make changes to widget when AJAX is enabled. You should always call the base implementation.

      enableAjax in class WCompositeWidget
      See Also: