
License and Pricing

Wt may be used using either an Open Source or a Commercial License.

If you wish to use the library using the GNU General Public License (GPL) , you may build a web application with Wt and deploy it, but per the terms of the GPL, you are obliged to make the source code available to anyone you give the application to install on their own server. This also applies to redistribution of the Wt library, in original or modified form.

The Commercial License has no such limitations: you may redistribute applications developed with Wt without needing to redistribute the source code. The license is a royalty-free, perpetual license for one developer to use the API of Wt (respectively Wt::Dbo) for application development, using the latest version of Wt or any version released during one year. See the table below to see what's included in Wt and Wt::Dbo.

Available Packages

VersionRelease date
Wt 4.11.32025-02-19 Source (.tar.gz)
Wt 4.10.42024-03-06 Source (.tar.gz)
Wt 4.9.22023-04-18 Source (.tar.gz)

Binary builds are available for Windows. Wt is available as a package in most Linux distributions, e.g. for Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install witty witty-dev witty-doc witty-dbg witty-examples

The last package (witty-examples) installs the examples in /usr/lib/Wt/examples.

Check the documentation page for information on how to get started with Wt.

Git repository

The Wt git repository can be found on GitHub. To clone:

git clone

What's the difference between Wt and Wt::Dbo?

Dbo Wt + Dbo
Widget library
Application server
HTTP + WebSockets server
Charting Module
XHTML Rendering Module
Sqlite3 driver
PostgreSQL driver
Firebird driver
MariaDB/MySQL driver
SQL Server driver
Oracle driver Contact us
GNU General Public License free free
Commercial License €250
(license text)
(license text)