(J)Wt 4.11.3 is a bigger patch release that fixes a couple of issues, and also introduces some improvements. Check the release notes for more info.
The main points of attention are:
some improvements to MFA/TOTP
allowing custom MIME types, and extending the default list
resolve Wt’s own CSP violations, when using the default CSP (with use-script-nonce enabled)
allow compilation with Boost 1.87.0
Here are the links:
Wt 4.11.3 (C++): download wt-4.11.3.tar.gz (release notes)
JWt 4.11.3 (Java): download jwt-4.11.3.zip (release notes)
Binary builds for Windows are available on the GitHub releases page.
(J)Wt 4.11.2 is a bigger patch release that fixes a couple of issues, and also introduces some improvements. Check the release notes for more info.
The main points of attention are:
allowing developers to provide custom headers! The configuration is now allowed to set headers you always wish to send to clients. This can be used to improve security.
make the (CSP) usable, and configurable. This can be done with the above, or simply by allowing (script nonces), see use-script-nonce
quite a few improvements on the JavaScript side.
Here are the links:
Wt 4.11.2 (C++): download wt-4.11.2.tar.gz (release notes)
JWt 4.11.2 (Java): download jwt-4.11.2.zip (release notes)
Binary builds for Windows are available on the GitHub releases page.
(J)Wt 4.11.1 is a small patch release that fixes a couple of issues. Check the release notes for more info.
The main points of attention are:
the default increase in iterations when using bcrypt to generate and verify passwords. This has been bumped to 12 (to adhere to the minimum of 10 advised by [OWASP](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet.html)).
built-in support for Wt types (WDate, WString, and the like) when serializing JSON.
quite a few improvements on the JavaScript side.
Here are the links:
Wt 4.11.1 (C++): download wt-4.11.1.tar.gz (release notes)
JWt 4.11.1 (Java): download jwt-4.11.1.zip (release notes)
Binary builds for Windows are available on the GitHub releases page.
(J)Wt 4.11.0 is a major release. That focuses on authentication and WebSockets.
First Wt is now able to support MFA in its authentication system. It is easily enabled with a single call to AuthService::setMfaProvider(). By default an implementation for TOTP is included. This offers a way to enable an additional layer of security for your applications. Instead of remembering a single password, users can be made to enter a short code that changes often, as an additional authentication step. Developers are also able to implement this feature in any way they see fit via the interface AbstractMfaProcess. A couple examples are provided in the source code, and the authentication tutorial.
This is for Wt alone, no for JWt:
If you like using WebSockets, there is good news! Wt was already able to communicate with its server over WebSockets. This was, however, limited to only its communication for updates regarding its framework. Now you are able to use them in whatever custom way you see fit. Developers can set up endpoints (both session-private or public) that listen to incoming requests. The browser (or another client) can then use those endpoints to connect to said resource. A connection has now been established, and messages can be send back and forth.
Here are the links:
Wt 4.11.0 (C++): download wt-4.11.0.tar.gz (release notes)
JWt 4.11.0 (Java): download jwt-4.11.0.zip (release notes)
Binary builds for Windows are available on the GitHub releases page.