(J)Wt 4.11.1 is a small patch release that fixes a couple of issues. Check the release notes for more info.
The main points of attention are:
the default increase in iterations when using bcrypt to generate and verify passwords. This has been bumped to 12 (to adhere to the minimum of 10 advised by [OWASP](https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet.html)).
built-in support for Wt types (WDate, WString, and the like) when serializing JSON.
quite a few improvements on the JavaScript side.
Here are the links:
Wt 4.11.1 (C++): download wt-4.11.1.tar.gz (release notes)
JWt 4.11.1 (Java): download jwt-4.11.1.zip (release notes)
Binary builds for Windows are available on the GitHub releases page.