Wt (git version) now builds with clang++

  • Posted by koen
  • Thursday, May 27, 2010 @ 10:19

Wt (the latest git version) now supports clang++.

This required remarkably little changes to Wt itself, a few bug fixes in llvm/clang with were quickly resolved with the excellent help from the clang++ team, and one workaround remaining for issue #6920. You will need the latest svn version of llvm and clang.

Initial profiling (using valgrind --tool=callgrind) also indicates that clang++ -O2 seems to optimize a bit better than g++ -O2. Not too shabby for such a young compiler !

  • Posted by anonymous
  • 14 years ago
So in the future releases you will include Clang++ as one of compulsory compilers to pass the tests?
  • Posted by koen
  • 14 years ago
Yes, it looks like we will have little trouble supporting this compiler, but will only add Clang++ to our list of supported compilers as soon as boost officially supports it.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • 14 years ago
I see. So you are very Boost oriented. If I'm not wrong, Clang++ is able to fully compile Boost with no regression errors.

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