enum class | Wt::Chart::Series3DType { Wt::Chart::Point
, Wt::Chart::Surface
, Wt::Chart::Bar
} |
| Enumeration with the possible representations of a WAbstractGridData. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::Axis {
Wt::Chart::X = 0
, Wt::Chart::Y = 1
, Wt::Chart::Y1 = Y
, Wt::Chart::Y2 = 2
Wt::Chart::Ordinate = Y
, Wt::Chart::X3D = 0
, Wt::Chart::Y3D = 3
, Wt::Chart::Z3D = 1
} |
| Enumeration that indicates a chart axis. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::AxisValue { Wt::Chart::Minimum = 0x1
, Wt::Chart::Maximum = 0x2
, Wt::Chart::Zero = 0x4
, Wt::Chart::Both = 0x8
} |
| Enumeration that indicates a logical location for an axis. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::AxisScale {
Wt::Chart::Discrete = 0
, Wt::Chart::Linear = 1
, Wt::Chart::Log = 2
, Wt::Chart::Date = 3
Wt::Chart::DateTime = 4
} |
| Enumeration that indicates a scale for an axis. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::InteractiveAction {
, Wt::Chart::ZoomY
, Wt::Chart::ZoomXY
, Wt::Chart::ZoomMatching
, Wt::Chart::PanY
, Wt::Chart::PanMatching
} |
| Enumeration of mouse wheel actions for interactive charts. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::SeriesType { Wt::Chart::Point
, Wt::Chart::Line
, Wt::Chart::Curve
, Wt::Chart::Bar
} |
| Enumeration that specifies the type of a chart series. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::MarkerType {
, Wt::Chart::Square
, Wt::Chart::Circle
, Wt::Chart::Cross
, Wt::Chart::Triangle
, Wt::Chart::Custom
, Wt::Chart::Star
, Wt::Chart::Asterisk
, Wt::Chart::Diamond
} |
| Enumeration that specifies a type of point marker. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::FillRangeType { Wt::Chart::None
, Wt::Chart::MinimumValue
, Wt::Chart::MaximumValue
, Wt::Chart::ZeroValue
} |
| Enumeration that specifies how an area should be filled. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::ChartType { Wt::Chart::Category
, Wt::Chart::Scatter
} |
| Enumeration type that indicates a chart type for a cartesian chart. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::AxisProperty |
| Enumeration that specifies a property of the axes.
enum class | Wt::Chart::LegendLocation { Wt::Chart::Inside
, Wt::Chart::Outside
} |
| Enumeration type that indicates a legend location. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::LabelOption {
Wt::Chart::None = 0x00
, Wt::Chart::Inside = 0x01
, Wt::Chart::Outside = 0x02
, Wt::Chart::TextLabel = 0x10
Wt::Chart::TextPercentage = 0x20
} |
| Enumeration that specifies options for the labels. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::Plane { Wt::Chart::XY
, Wt::Chart::XZ
, Wt::Chart::YZ
} |
| Lists the three orthogonal planes in 3D. More...
enum class | Wt::Chart::ChartUpdates { Wt::Chart::CameraMatrix = 0x1
, Wt::Chart::GLContext = 0x2
, Wt::Chart::GLTextures = 0x4
} |
| Lists the different ways that a chart can be updated. More...