
If you're just getting started, you should check out the tutorials. If you're looking for information on specific widgets or features, consult the reference manual and widget gallery. Check our Redmine for forums, issues, and wiki.


Introduction and tutorials

If you're just getting started with Wt, these tutorials are good place to start.

Reference Manual

Use the reference documentation to see which classes and functions are included in Wt and how they should be used.


Widget Gallery

The widget gallery showcases most widgets available in Wt, with the source code to accomplish these examples. It's a good way to see what Wt has to offer and to get a feel for how these features can be used.


Choose an example:

Mail composer

This example implements a GMail-like mail composer and shows among other things how to upload files asynchronously, showing a cross-browser upload progress bar and with support for multiple files.

  • The ContactSuggestions class provides auto-completion of the addressees in the To: Cc: and Bcc: fields. The widget derives from WSuggestionPopup.
  • The AttachmentEdit widget uses a WFileUpload to asynchronously upload files. The upload progress bar will work even in IE6.
  • The Option and OptionList classes show how stateless slots, a trick to handle events client-side but implement them still in C++, may be used even when the behaviour is not entirely stateless. In this case, the hiding of an Option affects neighboring visible options: an option needs a separator only if there is a neighbouring option. By invalidating the stateless slot implementations when state has changed, we can still use a stateless slot implementation and enjoy client-side event handling performance!