
If you're just getting started, you should check out the tutorials. If you're looking for information on specific widgets or features, consult the reference manual and widget gallery. Check our Redmine for forums, issues, and wiki.


Introduction and tutorials

If you're just getting started with Wt, these tutorials are good place to start.

Reference Manual

Use the reference documentation to see which classes and functions are included in Wt and how they should be used.


Widget Gallery

The widget gallery showcases most widgets available in Wt, with the source code to accomplish these examples. It's a good way to see what Wt has to offer and to get a feel for how these features can be used.


Choose an example:


This example illustrates some MVC functionality provided by builtin Views (WTreeView, WTableView and PieChart) and models.

  • The example uses WTreeView and WTableView widgets for rendering a Model's data in a tree or a table.
  • A WSortFilterProxyModel implement sorting and filtering for another model.
  • These item views have support for drag and drop of a selection of items.
  • You can use nested layout managers (horizontal and vertical WBoxLayout) for an automatic window-filling layout, with optional resize handles.
  • Modal (and non-modal) dialogs can be used to prompt for input.
  • You may show a context-sensitive WPopupMenu.