Wt  4.11.3
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations
Wt::Chart Namespace Reference

Namespace for the Charts (Wt::Chart). More...


class  WAbstractChart
 Abstract base class for MVC-based charts. More...
class  WAbstractChartModel
 An abstract model for use with Wt's charts. More...
class  WAbstractColorMap
 Maps numerical values to colors. More...
class  WAbstractDataSeries3D
 Abstract base class for dataseries that can be drawn on a WCartesian3DChart. More...
class  WAbstractGridData
 Class representing grid-based data for on a 3D chart. More...
struct  AxisConfig
 Axis configuration. More...
class  WAxis
 Class which represents an axis of a cartesian chart. More...
class  WAxisSliderWidget
 A widget for selecting an X axis range to display on an associated WCartesianChart. More...
class  WCartesian3DChart
 A 3D Cartesian chart. More...
class  SeriesIterator
 Abstract base class for iterating over series data in a chart. More...
class  CurveLabel
 A curve label. More...
class  WCartesianChart
 A cartesian chart. More...
class  WChartPalette
 Abstract base class for styling rendered data series in charts. More...
class  WDataSeries
 A single data series in a cartesian chart. More...
class  WEquidistantGridData
 Class representing grid-based data for on a 3D chart. More...
class  WGridData
 Class representing grid-based data for a 3D chart. More...
class  WPieChart
 A pie chart. More...
class  WScatterData
 Class representing a collection of points for on a 3D chart. More...
class  WSelection
 Represents a selection on a chart. More...
class  WPointSelection
 Represents a single point selection on a WScatterData. More...
class  WSurfaceSelection
 Represents a selection on a surface plot. More...
class  WBarSelection
 Represents a selection of a bar. More...
class  WStandardChartProxyModel
 A WAbstractChartModel implementation that wraps a WAbstractItemModel. More...
class  WStandardColorMap
 Standard colorMap. More...
class  WStandardPalette
 Standard styling for rendering series in charts. More...


typedef std::map< WFlags< KeyboardModifier >, InteractiveActionWheelActions
 A map of mouse wheel actions for interactive charts, indexed by WFlags<KeyboardModifier> More...


enum class  Series3DType { Point , Surface , Bar }
 Enumeration with the possible representations of a WAbstractGridData. More...
enum class  Axis {
  X = 0 , Y = 1 , Y1 = Y , Y2 = 2 ,
  Ordinate = Y , X3D = 0 , Y3D = 3 , Z3D = 1
 Enumeration that indicates a chart axis. More...
enum class  AxisValue { Minimum = 0x1 , Maximum = 0x2 , Zero = 0x4 , Both = 0x8 }
 Enumeration that indicates a logical location for an axis. More...
enum class  TickDirection { Outwards , Inwards }
 Enumeration that indicates which way the axis ticks point. More...
enum class  AxisScale {
  Discrete = 0 , Linear = 1 , Log = 2 , Date = 3 ,
  DateTime = 4
 Enumeration that indicates a scale for an axis. More...
enum class  DateTimeUnit
 Represents a Date time unit.
enum class  TickLength
 Enumeration for a tick type.
enum class  Plane { XY , XZ , YZ }
 Lists the three orthogonal planes in 3D. More...
enum class  ChartUpdates { CameraMatrix = 0x1 , GLContext = 0x2 , GLTextures = 0x4 }
 Lists the different ways that a chart can be updated. More...
enum class  InteractiveAction {
  ZoomX , ZoomY , ZoomXY , ZoomMatching ,
  PanX , PanY , PanMatching
 Enumeration of mouse wheel actions for interactive charts. More...
enum class  SeriesType { Point , Line , Curve , Bar }
 Enumeration that specifies the type of a chart series. More...
enum class  MarkerType {
  None , Square , Circle , Cross ,
  XCross , Triangle , Custom , Star ,
  InvertedTriangle , Asterisk , Diamond
 Enumeration that specifies a type of point marker. More...
enum class  FillRangeType { None , MinimumValue , MaximumValue , ZeroValue }
 Enumeration that specifies how an area should be filled. More...
enum class  ChartType { Category , Scatter }
 Enumeration type that indicates a chart type for a cartesian chart. More...
enum class  AxisProperty
 Enumeration that specifies a property of the axes.
enum class  LegendLocation { Inside , Outside }
 Enumeration type that indicates a legend location. More...
enum class  CustomFlag {
  Pen = 0x1 , Brush = 0x2 , MarkerPen = 0x4 , MarkerBrush = 0x8 ,
  LabelColor = 0x10
 Enumeration that indicates an aspect of the look. More...
enum class  LabelOption {
  None = 0x00 , Inside = 0x01 , Outside = 0x02 , TextLabel = 0x10 ,
  TextPercentage = 0x20
 Enumeration that specifies options for the labels. More...
enum class  PaletteFlavour { Neutral = 0 , Bold = 1 , Muted = 2 , GrayScale = 255 }
 Enumeration that indicates the palette flavour. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for the Charts (Wt::Chart).

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CustomFlag

enum Wt::Chart::CustomFlag

Enumeration that indicates an aspect of the look.

These flags are used to keep track of which aspects of the look that are overridden from the values provided by the chart palette, using one of the methods in this class.

See also
setPen(), setBrush(), setMarkerPen(), setMarkerBrush(), setLabelColor()

A custom pen is set.


A custom brush is set.


A custom marker pen is set.


A custom marker brush is set.


A custom label color is set.

◆ PaletteFlavour

Enumeration that indicates the palette flavour.


Neutral palette.


Bold palette.


Muted palette.


Grayscale palette.

◆ TickDirection

Enumeration that indicates which way the axis ticks point.

See also

Towards of the outside of the chart.


Pointing inwards to the chart.