Nlinb | |
►NWt | The namespace for Wt |
►NAuth | Namespace for the Authentication module (Wt::Auth) |
►NDbo | |
CAuthToken | A default implementation for an authentication token in Wt::Dbo |
CAuthIdentity | A default implementation for a authentication identity in Wt::Dbo |
CAuthInfo | A default implementation for authentication data in Wt::Dbo |
CUserDatabase | A default implementation for an authentication user database |
►NMfa | Namespace for Multi-Factor Authentication |
CAuthenticationResult | A class that holds an authentication result |
CAbstractMfaProcess | The interface for a second factor authentication process |
CTotpProcess | A process managing the TOTP setup and validation |
CTotpQrCode | A QR code generator for TOTP secret keys |
►NSaml | Namespace for the SAML SP implementation |
CSubject | A SAML Subject (saml-core-2.0-os, section 2.4.1) |
CAttribute | A SAML Attribute (saml-core-2.0-os, section |
CAssertion | Represents a SAML assertion (saml-core-2.0-os, section 2.3.3) |
CProcess | A SAML authentication process |
CService | A minimal implementation of a SAML service provider |
►CAbstractPasswordService | Abstract password authentication service |
CAbstractStrengthValidator | Validator for password strength |
CStrengthValidatorResult | Result returned when validating password strength |
►CAbstractUserDatabase | Abstract interface for an authentication user database |
CTransaction | An abstract transaction |
CAuthModel | Model for implementing an authentication view |
CEmailTokenResult | The result of processing an email-sent token |
CAuthTokenResult | The result of processing an authentication token |
CAuthService | Basic authentication service |
CAuthThrottle | Class with helper functions to define throttling behaviour |
CAuthWidget | An authentication widget |
CFacebookService | OAuth service for Facebook as third-party authenticator |
CFormBaseModel | A base model class for authentication-related forms |
CGoogleService | OAuth service for Google as third-party authenticator |
CHashFunction | An abstract cryptographic hash function interface |
CMD5HashFunction | A cryptograhpic hash function implemented using MD5 |
CSHA1HashFunction | A cryptographic hash function implemented using SHA1 |
CBCryptHashFunction | An cryptographic hash function that implements bcrypt |
CIdentity | A class that represents a user identity |
CIssuedToken | Token or authorization code that was issued to a relying party |
CLogin | A class that manages the current login state |
CLostPasswordWidget | A widget which initiates a lost-password email |
COAuthAuthorizationEndpointProcess | Allows clients to authorize users according to the OAuth 2.0 protocol |
COAuthClient | |
COAuthAccessToken | An OAuth access token |
►COAuthProcess | An OAuth authorization (and authentication) process |
CTokenError | Exception thrown while parsing a token response |
COAuthService | An OAuth authorization (and authentication) service provider |
COAuthTokenEndpoint | Endpoint to retrieve an access token |
COidcProcess | An OpenId Connect authentication process |
COidcService | An OpenId Connect authentication service provider |
COidcUserInfoEndpoint | Endpoint at which user info can be requested |
CPasswordHash | A password hash |
CPasswordPromptDialog | A dialog that prompts for the user password |
►CPasswordService | Password authentication service |
CAbstractVerifier | Abstract password hash computation and verification class |
CPasswordStrengthValidator | A default implementation for password strength validation |
CPasswordVerifier | Password hash computation and verification class |
CRegistrationModel | Model for implementing a registration view |
CRegistrationWidget | A registration widget |
CResendEmailVerificationWidget | A widget to resend the email verification email |
CToken | An authentication token hash |
CUpdatePasswordWidget | A widget which allows a user to choose a new password |
CUser | A user |
►NChart | Namespace for the Charts (Wt::Chart) |
CWAbstractChart | Abstract base class for MVC-based charts |
CWAbstractChartModel | An abstract model for use with Wt's charts |
CWAbstractColorMap | Maps numerical values to colors |
CWAbstractDataSeries3D | Abstract base class for dataseries that can be drawn on a WCartesian3DChart |
CWAbstractGridData | Class representing grid-based data for on a 3D chart |
CAxisConfig | Axis configuration |
►CWAxis | Class which represents an axis of a cartesian chart |
CTickLabel | Represents a label/tick on the axis |
CWAxisSliderWidget | A widget for selecting an X axis range to display on an associated WCartesianChart |
►CWCartesian3DChart | A 3D Cartesian chart |
CIntersectionPlane | An invisible intersection plane |
CSeriesIterator | Abstract base class for iterating over series data in a chart |
CCurveLabel | A curve label |
CWCartesianChart | A cartesian chart |
CWChartPalette | Abstract base class for styling rendered data series in charts |
CWDataSeries | A single data series in a cartesian chart |
CWEquidistantGridData | Class representing grid-based data for on a 3D chart |
CWGridData | Class representing grid-based data for a 3D chart |
CWPieChart | A pie chart |
CWScatterData | Class representing a collection of points for on a 3D chart |
CWSelection | Represents a selection on a chart |
CWPointSelection | Represents a single point selection on a WScatterData |
CWSurfaceSelection | Represents a selection on a surface plot |
CWBarSelection | Represents a selection of a bar |
CWStandardChartProxyModel | A WAbstractChartModel implementation that wraps a WAbstractItemModel |
►CWStandardColorMap | Standard colorMap |
CPair | Contains a pair of a numerical value and a WColor |
CWStandardPalette | Standard styling for rendering series in charts |
►NCore | Namespace for core utility classes |
Cobservable | A base class for objects whose life-time can be tracked |
Cobserving_ptr | A safe smart pointer for an observable |
Ncpp17 | |
►NDbo | Namespace for the Database Objects (Wt::Dbo) |
►Nbackend | Namespace for Dbo backends |
CFirebird | A Firebird connection |
CMSSQLServer | A Microsoft SQL Server connection |
CMySQLStatement | MySQL prepared statement |
CMySQL | A MySQL connection |
CPostgres | A PostgreSQL connection |
CSqlite3 | An SQLite3 connection |
CCall | A database call |
CQuery | A database query |
►Ccollection | An STL container for iterating query results |
Cconst_iterator | Const Iterator |
Citerator | Iterator |
CException | Exception base class for Wt::Dbo |
CStaleObjectException | Exception thrown when Wt::Dbo detects a concurrent modification |
CObjectNotFoundException | Exception thrown when trying to load a non-existing object |
CNoUniqueResultException | Exception thrown when a query unexpectedly finds a non-unique result |
CForeignKeyConstraint | Type that indicates one or more foreign key constraints |
CFixedSqlConnectionPool | A connection pool of fixed size |
CJsonSerializer | An action to serialize objects to JSON |
Cdbo_default_traits | Default traits for a class mapped with Wt::Dbo |
Cdbo_traits | Traits for a class mapped with Wt::Dbo |
Cptr | A smart pointer for a database object |
Cweak_ptr | A weak pointer for a database object |
CDbo | A base class for database objects |
CDirectBinding | |
CDynamicBinding | |
CAbstractQuery | An abstract dynamic database query |
CQueryModel | A Wt MVC Model to view/edit query results |
CSession | A database session |
CSqlConnection | Abstract base class for an SQL connection |
CSqlConnectionPool | Abstract base class for a SQL connection pool |
CSqlStatement | Abstract base class for a prepared SQL statement |
Csql_value_traits | Traits class for value types |
CFieldInfo | Description of a field |
Cquery_result_traits | Traits class for result types |
CTransaction | A database transaction |
►NForm | Namespace for the Dbo Forms (Wt::Form) |
►NDbo | Namespace that contain Dbo specific classes within the Form module |
CFormModel | A model class to represent database objects |
CFormModelBase | A model class keeping information about database columns that are to be used in the model/view logic |
CFormView | A view class to represent database objects |
CWAbstractFormDelegate | Abstract delegate class for creating form widgets |
CWFormDelegate< Wt::WString, void > | Form delegate class for WString |
CWFormDelegate< std::string, void > | Form delegate class for std::string |
CWFormDelegate< Wt::WDate, void > | Form delegate class for WDate |
CWFormDelegate< Wt::WTime, void > | Form delegate class for WTime |
CWFormDelegate< Wt::WDateTime, void > | Form delegate class for WDateTime |
CWFormDelegate< bool, void > | Form delegate class for boolean |
CWFormDelegate< int, void > | Form delegate class for integer |
CWFormDelegate< double, void > | Form delegate for double |
►NHttp | Namespace for HTTP protocol (Wt::Http) handling |
►CClient | An HTTP client |
CURL | Utility class representing an URL |
CCookie | An HTTP Cookie |
►CMessage | An HTTP client message (request or response) |
CHeader | An HTTP message header |
CUploadedFile | Details about a file uploaded with a request to a resource |
►CRequest | A resource request |
CByteRange | A single byte range |
CByteRangeSpecifier | A byte range specifier |
CResponse | A resource response |
CResponseContinuation | A resource response continuation object |
CWtClient | Support for a Wt web application client |
►NJson | Namespace for the JSON Library (Wt::Json) |
CArray | A JSON array |
CObject | A JSON object |
CParseError | A parse error |
CTypeException | Exception that indicates a type error |
CValue | A JSON value |
►NMail | Namespace for the SMTP client library (Wt::Mail) |
CClient | An SMTP mail client |
CMailbox | An email sender or recipient mailbox |
►CMessage | A mail message |
CHeader | An SMTP message header |
CRecipient | A struct representing a recipient |
►NPayment | Namespace for the Payment |
CAddress | Contains address information |
CCustomer | Contains customer information |
CMoney | A value class which describes a monetary value |
COrder | Contains information of a sales order |
COrderItem | Describes an item in an order |
CPayPalExpressCheckout | A paypal express checkout process |
CPayPalService | This is a PayPal service class |
CResult | A class that represents the result of a payment API call |
CApproval | A class that represents the result of a payment |
►NRender | Namespace for the XHTML Rendering (Wt::Render) |
CWPdfRenderer | An XHTML to PDF renderer |
►CWTextRenderer | An XHTML renderering engine |
CNode | A rendering box of a layed out DOM node |
►NTest | |
CWTestEnvironment | An environment for testing purposes |
NUtils | Namespace with utility functions |
CWInvalidFormatException | The exception thrown when a supplied format was not correct |
CWInvalidOperationException | The exception thrown when an numeric operation could not execute |
CPopupWindow | Internal class that provides a JavaScript popup window managing function |
CWAbstractArea | Abstract base class for interactive areas in a widget |
CWAbstractItemDelegate | Abstract delegate class for rendering an item in an item view |
CWAbstractItemModel | An abstract model for use with Wt's view classes |
CWAbstractItemView | An abstract base class for item Views |
CWAbstractListModel | An abstract list model for use with Wt's view classes |
CWAbstractMedia | Abstract baseclass for native media elements |
►CWAbstractProxyModel | An abstract proxy model for Wt's item models |
CBaseItem | A base class for an item modeling a source index parent |
CWAbstractSpinBox | An abstract spin box |
CWAbstractTableModel | An abstract table model for use with Wt's view classes |
CWAbstractToggleButton | An abstract base class for radio buttons and check boxes |
CWAggregateProxyModel | A proxy model for Wt's item models that provides column aggregation |
CWAnchor | A widget that represents an HTML anchor (to link to other documents) |
CWAnimation | A value class that defines a transition effect |
Cany_traits | A traits class for a type stored in a cpp17::any |
►CWApplication | Represents an application instance for a single session |
CUpdateLock | A RAII lock for manipulating and updating the application and its widgets outside of the event loop |
CWAudio | A widget that plays audio |
CWBatchEditProxyModel | A proxy model for Wt's item models that provides batch editing |
CWBootstrap2Theme | Theme based on the Twitter Bootstrap 2 CSS framework |
CWBootstrap3Theme | Theme based on the Twitter Bootstrap 3 CSS framework |
CWBootstrap5Theme | Theme based on the Bootstrap 5 CSS framework |
CWBootstrapTheme | Theme based on the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework |
CWBorder | A value class that defines the CSS border style of a widget |
CWBorderLayout | A layout manager which divides the container region in five regions |
CWBoxLayout | A layout manager which arranges widgets horizontally or vertically |
CWBreak | A widget that provides a line break between inline widgets |
CWBrush | A value class that defines the style for filling a path |
CWButtonGroup | A class for grouping radio buttons logically together |
CWCalendar | A calendar |
CWCanvasPaintDevice | A paint device for rendering using the HTML 5 <canvas> element |
CWCheckBox | A user control that represents a check box |
CWCircleArea | A interactive area in a widget, specified by a circle |
CWColor | A value class that defines a color |
CWColorPicker | A widget that provides a browser-native color picker |
CWCombinedLocalizedStrings | A localized string resolver that bundles multiple string resolvers |
CWComboBox | A widget that provides a drop-down combo-box control |
CWCompositeWidget | A widget that hides the implementation of composite widgets |
CWContainerWidget | A widget that holds and manages child widgets |
CWCssDecorationStyle | A style class for a single widget or style sheet rule |
CWCssRule | Abstract rule in a CSS style sheet |
CWCssTemplateRule | A CSS rule based on a template widget |
CWCssTextRule | A CSS rule specified directly using CSS declarations |
CWCssStyleSheet | A CSS style sheet |
CWCssTheme | |
CWDate | A value class that represents a date on the Gregorian calendar |
CWDateEdit | A date edit |
CWDatePicker | A date picker |
CWDateTime | A calendar date and clock time |
CWDateValidator | A validator for date input |
CWDefaultLoadingIndicator | A default loading indicator |
CWDialog | A WDialog shows a dialog |
CWDoubleSpinBox | An input control for fixed point numbers |
CWDoubleValidator | A validator for validating floating point user input |
CWEmailEdit | A widget for inputting email addresses |
CWEmailValidator | A basic validator for email input |
CWEnvironment | A class that captures information on the application environment |
CCoordinates | A coordinate |
CTouch | A single finger touch of a touch event |
CEventSignal | A signal that conveys user-interface events |
CWEvent | An application event |
CWMouseEvent | A class providing details for a mouse event |
CWKeyEvent | A class providing details for a keyboard event |
CWDropEvent | A class providing details for a drop event |
CWScrollEvent | A class providing details for a scroll event |
CWTouchEvent | A class providing details for a touch event |
CWGestureEvent | A class providing details for a gesture event |
CWException | Base class for exceptions thrown by Wt |
►CWFileDropWidget | A widget that allows dropping files and directories for upload |
CDirectory | A nested class of WFileDropWidget representing a Directory |
CFile | A nested class of WFileDropWidget representing a file |
CWFileResource | A resource which streams the data from a local file |
CWFileUpload | A widget that allows a file to be uploaded |
CWFitLayout | A layout manager which spans a single widget to all available space |
CWFlags | Utility class for type-safe combinations of enumeration flags |
CWFlashObject | A widget that renders a Flash object (also known as Flash movie) |
CWFont | A value class that describes a font |
CWFontMetrics | A value class that describes font metrics for a font |
CWFormModel | A basic model class for forms |
CWFormWidget | An abstract widget that corresponds to an HTML form element |
CWGenericMatrix | A value class that describes a matrix |
►CWGLWidget | GL support class |
CArrayBuffer | Reference to a javascript ArrayBuffer class |
CAttribLocation | Reference to a shader attribute location |
CBuffer | Reference to a WebGLBuffer class |
CFramebuffer | Reference to a WebGLFramebuffer class |
CGlObject | Abstract base class for all GL objects |
CJavaScriptMatrix4x4 | A client-side JavaScript matrix |
CJavaScriptVector | A client-side JavaScript vector |
CProgram | Reference to a WebGLProgram class |
CRenderbuffer | Reference to a WebGLRenderbuffer class |
CShader | Reference to a WebGLShader class |
CTexture | Reference to a WebGLTexture class |
CUniformLocation | Reference to a WebGLUniformLocation class |
►CWGoogleMap | A widget that displays a google map |
CCoordinate | A geographical coordinate (latitude/longitude) |
►CWGradient | A linear or radial gradient |
CColorStop | A gradient color stop |
CWGridLayout | A layout manager which arranges widgets in a grid |
CWGroupBox | A widget which group widgets into a frame with a title |
CWHBoxLayout | A layout manager which arranges widgets horizontally |
CWIconPair | A widget that shows one of two icons depending on its state |
CWIdentityProxyModel | A proxy model that proxies its source model unmodified |
CWImage | A widget that displays an image |
CWInPlaceEdit | A widget that provides in-place-editable text |
CWInteractWidget | An abstract widget that can receive user-interface interaction |
CWIntValidator | A validator that validates integer user input |
CWIOService | An I/O service |
CWItemDelegate | Standard delegate class for rendering a view item |
CWItemSelectionModel | A class that represents a selection for a WAbstractItemView |
CJSignal | A signal to relay JavaScript to C++ calls |
CWJavaScriptExposableObject | A JavaScript exposable object |
CWJavaScriptHandle | A handle to a JavaScript representation of an object |
CJSlot | A slot that is only implemented in client side JavaScript code |
CWLabel | A label for a form field |
CWLayout | An abstract base class for layout managers |
CWLayoutImpl | An abstract base class for implementing layout managers |
CWLayoutItem | An abstract base class for items that can participate in a layout |
CWLayoutItemImpl | An abstract base class for implementing layout managers |
►CWLeafletMap | A widget that displays a leaflet map |
CCoordinate | A geographical coordinate (latitude/longitude) |
CLeafletMarker | A standard leaflet marker |
CMarker | An abstract marker |
CWidgetMarker | A marker rendered with a widget |
CWLength | A value class that describes a CSS length |
CWLengthValidator | A validator that checks the string length of user input |
CWLineEdit | A widget that provides a single line edit |
CWLineF | Utility class that defines a single line |
CWLink | A value class that defines a hyperlink target |
CWLinkedCssStyleSheet | An external CSS style sheet |
CWLoadingIndicator | An abstract interface for a loading indicator |
CWLocalDateTime | A localized calendar date and clock time |
CWLocale | A locale |
CLocalizedString | The result of resolving a localized string |
CWLocalizedStrings | An abstract class that provides support for localized strings |
►CWLogger | A simple logging class |
CField | Class that holds the configuration for a single field |
CSep | Class that indicates a field separator |
CTimeStamp | Class that indicates a time stamp |
CWLogEntry | A stream-like object for creating an entry in a log file |
CWLogSink | An abstract log sink |
CWMatrix4x4 | A value class that describes a 3D affine transformation matrix |
CWMeasurePaintDevice | WMeasurePaintDevice Wt/WMeasurePaintDevice Wt/WMeasurePaintDevice |
CWMediaPlayer | A media player |
CWMemoryResource | A resource which streams data from memory |
CWMenu | A widget that shows a menu of options |
CWMenuItem | A single item in a menu |
CWMessageBox | A standard dialog for confirmation or to get simple user input |
CWMessageResourceBundle | Support for localized strings using XML files |
CItemDataRole | Enumeration that indicates a role for a data item |
CWModelIndex | A value class that describes an index to an item in a data model |
CWNavigationBar | A navigation bar |
CWObject | A base class for objects that participate in the signal/slot system |
CWOverlayLoadingIndicator | A more obvious loading indicator that grays the window |
CWTextItem | The result of a font metrics computation |
CWPaintDevice | The abstract base class for a paint device |
CWPaintedWidget | A widget that is painted using vector graphics |
►CWPainter | Vector graphics painting class |
CImage | An image that can be rendered on a WPainter |
►CWPainterPath | A path defining a shape |
CSegment | A segment |
CWPanel | A WPanel provides a container with a title bar |
CWPdfImage | A paint device for rendering to a PDF |
CWPen | A value class that defines the style for pen strokes |
CWPoint | A value class that defines a 2D point with integer coordinates |
CWPointF | A value class that defines a 2D point |
CWPolygonArea | An interactive area in a widget, specified by a polygon |
CWPopupMenu | A menu presented in a popup window |
CWPopupWidget | Base class for popup widgets |
CWProgressBar | A progress bar |
CWPushButton | A widget that represents a push button |
CWRadioButton | A user control that represents a radio button |
CWRandom | Random number generator |
CWRasterImage | A paint device for rendering to a raster image |
CWReadOnlyProxyModel | A read-only wrapper for a source model |
CWRectArea | A interactive area in a widget, specified by a rectangle |
CWRectF | A value class that defines a rectangle |
CWRegExpValidator | A validator that checks user input against a regular expression |
CWResource | An object which can be rendered in the HTTP protocol |
CWSelectionBox | A selection box allows selection from a list of options |
►CWServer | A class encapsulating a web application server |
CException | Server Exception class |
CSessionInfo | Contains the information for one session |
CWShadow | A value class that defines a shadow style |
CSignalBase | Abstract base class of a signal |
CSignal | A signal that propagates events to listeners |
CEventSignalBase | Abstract base class of an event signal |
CWSlider | A horizontal or vertical slider control |
CWSocketNotifier | A utility class for asynchronous notification of socket activity |
CWSortFilterProxyModel | A proxy model for Wt's item models that provides filtering and/or sorting |
CWSound | A value class to play a sound effect |
CWSpinBox | An input control for integer numbers |
CWSplitButton | A split button |
►CWSslCertificate | An interface to an SSL certificate |
CDnAttribute | Distinguished name attribute (also known as relative distinguished name) |
CWSslInfo | Provides SSL information about the current session |
CWStackedWidget | A container widget that stacks its widgets on top of each other |
CWStandardItem | An item in a WStandardItemModel |
CWStandardItemModel | A standard data model, which stores its data in memory |
CWStreamResource | An object which streams the data from a std::istream |
CWString | A value class which describes a locale-aware unicode string |
CWStringListModel | An model that manages a list of strings |
►CWStringStream | |
Citerator | An implementation of an output generator for appending data |
►CWSuggestionPopup | A widget which popups to assist in editing a textarea or lineedit |
COptions | A configuration object to generate a matcher and replacer JavaScript function |
CWSvgImage | A paint device for rendering using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) |
CWTable | A container widget which provides layout of children in a table grid |
CWTableCell | A container widget that represents a cell in a table |
CWTableColumn | A table column |
CWTableRow | A table row |
CWTableView | An MVC View widget for tabular data |
CWTabWidget | A widget that organizes contents in tab panes |
►CWTemplate | A widget that renders an XHTML template |
CFunctions | A collection of predefined functions |
CWTemplateFormView | A template-based View class for form models |
CWText | A widget that renders (XHTML) text |
CWTextArea | A widget that provides a multi-line edit |
CWTextEdit | A rich-text XHTML editor |
CWTheme | |
CWTime | A value class that defines a clock time |
CWTimeEdit | A Time field editor |
CWTimer | A utility class which provides timer signals and single-shot timers |
CWTimeValidator | A time validator |
CWToolBar | A toolbar |
►CWTransform | A value class that defines a 2D affine transformation matrix |
CTRSRDecomposition | Result of a TRSR decomposition |
CTRSSDecomposition | Result of a TRSS decomposition |
CWTree | A widget that represents a navigatable tree |
CWTreeNode | A single node in a tree |
CWTreeTable | A table with a navigatable tree in the first column |
CWTreeTableNode | A specialized tree node which allows additional data to be associated with each node |
CWTreeView | A view class that displays a model as a tree or tree table |
►CWValidator | A validator is used to validate user input according to pre-defined rules |
CResult | A class that holds a validation result |
CWVBoxLayout | A layout manager which arranges widgets vertically |
CWVectorImage | An abstract paint device for rendering using native vector graphics |
CWVideo | A video-playing widget |
CWViewWidget | An abstract base class for an MVC view that is rendered using a widget |
CWStaticModelView | A widget that implements a view for a non-changing model |
CWVirtualImage | An abstract widget that shows a viewport to a virtually large image |
CWVmlImage | A paint device for rendering using the VML pseudo-standard |
CWWebSocketConnection | A single connection to a WWebSocketResource |
CWWebSocketResource | A resource that manages a WebSocket endpoint |
CWWebWidget | A base class for widgets with an HTML counterpart |
CWWidget | The abstract base class for a user-interface component |
CWWidgetItem | A layout item that holds a single widget |
CWWidgetItemImpl | An abstract base class for implementing layout managers |
CPathSegment | |
►CDomElement | Class to represent a client-side DOM element (proxy) |
CEventAction | A data-structure for an aggregated event handler |
CTimeoutEvent | Structure for keeping track of timers attached to this element |