All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for event signals.
A listener whose JavaScript behavior is learned on its first invocation.
A JavaScript-only listener.
An abstract base class for a listener with (learned) JavaScript behavior.
A listener whose JavaScript behavior is learned in advance.
Abstract base class for signals that may be triggered from the browser with a JavaScript call.
The interface for a second factor authentication process.
Abstract password authentication service.
Validator for password strength.
Result returned when validating password strength.
Abstract base class for signals.
A signal connection.
By extending this class, and using the extended implementation in AuthInfo, extra fields can be added to the AuthInfo object.
Abstract interface for an authentication user database.
An abstract transaction.
Enumeration for a user's account status.
Enumeration that specifies a horizontal or a vertical alignment.
An enumeration describing an animation effect.
A class that holds an authentication result.
Enumeration that holds the result of the authentication event.
A JPA implementation for an authentication identity This class is used by AuthInfo, and stores identities.
A default JPA implementation for authentication data This class implements the requirements for use as a data type in UserDatabase.
Model for implementing an authentication view.
Basic authentication service.
Class with helper functions to define throttling behaviour.
A JPA implementation for an authentication token.
The result of processing an authentication token.
Enumeration that describes an auth token validation state.
An authentication widget.
Enumeration that indicates a chart axis.
Axis configuration.
Enumeration that specifies a property of the axes.
Enumeration that indicates a scale for an axis.
Enumeration that indicates a logical location for an axis.
A cryptograhpic hash function implemented using BCrypt.
An appendable sequence of bits (0s and 1s).
Enumeration to select a bootstrap version.
Enumeration for border style.
Enumeration for border width.
Enumeration that indicates a fill style.
The calendar header format.
Enumeration type that indicates a chart type for a cartesian chart.
Lists the different ways that a chart can be updated.
Enumeration for the check state of a check box.
An enumeration for the policy to display the child count.
Enumeration of the OAuth client authorization method.
JWt application configuration class.
An enumeration for the level of error reporting in case of client-side (JavaScript) errors.
A class describing an IPv4 or IPv6 network
Enumeration that determines when contents should be loaded.
A coordinate.
This class provides an empty implementation of Css22Listener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by Css22Parser.
Enumeration for a cursor style.
A curve label.
Enumeration that indicates an aspect of the look.
Represents a Date time unit.
The result of a modal dialog execution.
Class to represent a client-side DOM element (proxy).
A data-structure for an aggregated event handler.
Enumeration for the access mode (creation or update)
Enumeration for an update rendering phase.
Structure for keeping track of timers attached to this element.
Enumeration for a DOM element type.
Enumeration that indicates a drop action.
Enumeration that specifies the possible drop locations for drag/drop.
The error correction level in a QR Code symbol.
Enumeration that describes how the contents is displayed.
Enumeration that specifies editing options.
Enumeration that specifies the user action that triggers editing.
Enumeration for the role of a DOM element (for theme support)
Enumeration for an email policy.
The result of processing an email-sent token.
Enumeration for an email token stored for the user.
A token validation state.
Enumeration that indicates a JWt entrypoint type.
An signal which relays a browser event.
A signal which relays a browser event that passes event details.
An enumeration describing an event's type.
OAuth service for Facebook as third-party authenticator.
Enumeration of file picker types.
Enumeration that specifies how an area should be filled.
The generic font family.
The font size.
The font style.
The font variant.
The font weight.
A base model class for authentication-related forms.
Specifies what GL function needs to be updated.
Enumeration for render options.
Google Maps API version.
OAuth service for Google as third-party authenticator.
Enumeration that indicates a gradient style.
An abstract cryptographic hash function interface.
Flags that indicate table header options.
Enumeration for HTML content type.
Enumeration that indiciates a standard icon.
A class that represents a user identity.
Method for confirming to be an existing user.
Enumeration for an identity policy.
Enumeration that describes options for input masks.
Enumeration of mouse wheel actions for interactive charts.
Token or authorization code that was issued to a relying party.
Enumeration that indicates a role for a data item.
Flags that indicate data item options.
Enumeration for a JavaScript object type.
Enumeration for a JavaScript object scope.
A signal that may be triggered from the browser with a JavaScript call.
A signal that may be triggered from the browser with a JavaScript call, passing 1 argument.
A signal to relay JavaScript to Java calls, passing 2 arguments.
A signal that may be triggered from the browser with a JavaScript call, passing 3 arguments.
A signal that may be triggered from the browser with a JavaScript call, passing 4 arguments.
A signal that may be triggered from the browser with a JavaScript call, passing 5 arguments.
A signal that may be triggered from the browser with a JavaScript call, passing 6 arguments.
A slot that is only implemented in client side JavaScript code.
Enumeration for key codes.
Enumeration for keyboard modifiers.
Enumeration that specifies options for the labels.
An enumeration describing a layout direction.
Enumeration to indicate which layout implementation to use.
Enumeration of possible positions in the layout.
Enumeration type that indicates a legend location.
CSS length unit type.
Enumeration that specifies where the target of an anchor should be displayed.
An enumeration for a link type.
The result of resolving a localized string.
A class that manages the current login state.
Enumeration for a login state.
A widget which initiates a lost-password email.
Google Maps map type control.
Enumeration that specifies a type of point marker.
Except when MatchExactly, the lexical matching is done (by comparing string representations of the value with the query).
Match flag enum.
Match type enumeration.
A single precision floating point 2 by 2 matrix.
A cryptograhpic hash function implemented using MD5.
An enumeration for a media encoding.
An enumeration for a button function.
An enumeration for a progressbar function.
An enumeration for a text.
Enumeration for preload strategy.
Enumeration that indicates how much of (a media) is loaded.
An enumeration for a media type.
An HTML Meta Header.
Enumeration that indicates a meta header type.
Enumeration for a HTTP method
Enumeration for the mouse button.
An OAuth access token.
Allows clients to authorize users according to the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
OAuth 2.0 client implementing OpenID Connect, a.k.a.
An OAuth authorization (and authentication) process.
Exception thrown while parsing a token response.
An OAuth authorization (and authentication) service provider.
Endpoint to retrieve an access token.
An OpenId Connect authentication process.
An OpenId Connect authentication service provider.
Endpoint at which user info can be requested.
Enumeration that indicates a direction.
How to handle overflow of inner content.
Enumeration to indicate paint device features.
Enumeration to communicate painter state changes.
Enumeration that indicates how to change a selection.
Enumeration that indicates the palette flavour.
A password hash.
A dialog that prompts for the user password.
Enumeration for a password verification result.
Password authentication service.
Abstract password hash computation and verification class.
The default implementation for password strength validation.
Password hash computation and verification class.
Enumeration that indicates how line end points are rendered.
Enumeration that indicates how line joins are rendered.
Enumeration that indicates a pen style.
Lists the three orthogonal planes in 3D.
Enumeration for playback options.
This class provides an empty implementation of PluralExpressionVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by PluralExpressionParser.
Enumeration that defines a trigger for showing the popup.
Internal class that provides a JavaScript popup window managing function.
Enumeration that specifies a layout mechanism for a widget.
Enumeration for a DOM property.
A QR Code symbol, which is a type of two-dimension barcode.
A segment of character/binary/control data in a QR Code symbol.
Model for implementing a registration view.
A registration widget.
Enum for internal use.
Enumeration for render hints.
Enumeration that indicates a client-side rendering method for a painted widget.
A widget to resend the email verification email.
Enumeration that specifies a scrolling option.
The segment type
Enumeration that indicates what is being selected.
Enumeration that indicates how to change a selection.
Enumeration that indicates how items may be selected.
Enumeration with the possible representations of a WAbstractGridData.
Abstract base class for iterating over series data in a chart.
Enumeration that specifies the type of a chart series.
Implementation specific servlet interface, this class is only to be used by JWt internals.
Enumeration that indicates a relative location.
A signal that propagates events to listeners.
The listener interface.
A signal that propagates events to listeners, and is capable of passing 1 argument.
The listener interface.
A signal that propagates events to listeners, and is capable of passing 2 argument.
The listener interface.
A signal that propagates events to listeners, and is capable of passing 3 argument.
The listener interface.
A signal that propagates events to listeners, and is capable of passing 4 argument.
The listener interface.
A signal that propagates events to listeners, and is capable of passing 5 argument.
The listener interface.
A signal that propagates events to listeners, and is capable of passing 6 argument.
The listener interface.
Enumeration that indicates a sort order.
Enumeration that indicates a standard button.
Enumeration for predefined colors.
String utility class.
Enumeration that indicates how a widget's ID may be set.
Text decoration options.
Enumeration that specifies the way text should be printed.
Enumeration that indicates the text format.
Enumeration that indicates which way the axis ticks point.
Enumeration for a tick type.
A timing function.
An authentication token hash.
A process managing the TOTP setup and validation.
A QR code generator for TOTP secret keys.
A single finger touch of a touch event.
A widget which allows a user to choose a new password.
Details about a file uploaded with a request to a resource.
A user.
An enumeration type for specific user agent.
A JPA implementation for user authentication data.
Enumeration for the role of a css class (for theme support)
An enumeration for HTML encoding flags.
The state in which validated input can exist.
Enumeration that indicates what validation styles are to be applie.
Enumeration that specifies an option for rendering a view item.
Abstract base class for interactive areas in a widget.
Abstract base class for MVC-based charts.
An abstract model for use with JWt's charts.
Maps numerical values to colors.
Abstract base class for dataseries that can be drawn on a WCartesian3DChart.
Internal class WAbstractEvent
Class representing grid-based data for on a 3D chart.
Abstract delegate class for rendering an item in an item view.
An abstract model for use with JWt's view classes.
An abstract base class for item Views.
An abstract list model for use with JWt's view classes.
Abstract baseclass for native media elements.
An abstract proxy model for JWt's item models.
A base class for an item modeling a source index parent.
An abstract spin box.
An abstract table model for use with JWt's view classes.
An abstract base class for radio buttons and check boxes.
A proxy model for JWt's item models that provides column aggregation.
A widget that represents an HTML anchor (to link to other documents).
A value class that defines a transition effect.
Represents an application instance for a single session.
A synchronization lock for manipulating and updating the application and its widgets outside of the event loop.
A widget that plays audio.
Class which represents an axis of a cartesian chart.
A label transform function.
Represents a label/tick on the axis.
A widget for selecting an X axis range to display on an associated WCartesianChart.
Represents a selection of a bar.
A proxy model for JWt's item models that provides batch editing.
Theme based on the Twitter Bootstrap 2 CSS framework.
Theme based on the Twitter Bootstrap 3 CSS framework.
Theme based on the Bootstrap 5 CSS framework.
WBootstrapTheme is deprecated.
A value class that defines the CSS border style of a widget.
A layout manager which divides the container region in five regions.
A layout manager which arranges widgets horizontally or vertically.
A widget that provides a line break between inline widgets.
A value class that defines the style for filling a path.
A class for grouping radio buttons logically together.
A calendar.
A paint device for rendering using the HTML 5 <canvas> element.
A 3D Cartesian chart.
An invisible intersection plane.
A cartesian chart.
Abstract base class for styling rendered data series in charts.
A user control that represents a check box.
A interactive area in a widget, specified by a circle.
A class that specifies a color.
A widget that provides a browser-native color picker.
A localized string resolver that bundles multiple string resolvers.
A widget that provides a drop-down combo-box control.
A widget that hides the implementation of composite widgets.
A widget that holds and manages child widgets.
A style class for a single widget or style sheet rule.
Abstract rule in a CSS style sheet.
A CSS style sheet.
A CSS rule based on a template widget.
A CSS rule specified directly using CSS declarations.
CSS-based theme support.
A single data series in a cartesian chart.
Class which holds a date on the gregorian calendar, specified as day/month/year.
A date edit.
The date picker is deprecated in favor of WDateEdit
A validator for date input.
A default loading indicator.
A WDialog shows a dialog.
An input control for fixed point numbers.
A validator for validating floating point user input.
A class providing details for a drop event.
The type of the original event.
An implementation of Graphics2D which uses a WPainter.
A WebRequest which wraps the HttpServletRequest to add support for file uploads and testing.
Progress listener interface.
Enumeration for a WebSocket read event (not yet implemented).
The type of response that this request will need.
A WebResponse which wraps the HttpServletResponse to support testing.
Handle web socket events for all running servlets
A widget for inputting email addresses.
A basic validator for email input.
WEnumModel<E extends Enum<E>>
A model that lists the different values of an Enum.
A class that captures information on the application environment.
Class representing grid-based data for on a 3D chart.
An application event.
Base class for exceptions thrown by JWt.
A widget that allows dropping files and directories for upload.
A nested class of WFileDropWidget representing a WFileDropWidget.Directory.
A nested class of WFileDropWidget representing a file.
A resource which streams data from a local file.
A widget that allows a file to be uploaded.
A layout manager which spans a single widget to all available space.
A widget that renders a Flash object (also known as Flash movie).
A value class that describes a font.
A value class that describes font metrics for a font.
A basic model class for forms.
An abstract widget that corresponds to an HTML form element.
A class providing details for a gesture event.
GL support class.
Reference to a javascript ArrayBuffer class.
Reference to a shader attribute location.
Reference to a WebGLBuffer class.
Reference to a WebGLFramebuffer class.
The enormous GLenum.
Abstract base class for all GL objects.
A client-side JavaScript matrix.
A client-side JavaScript vector.
Reference to a WebGLProgram class.
Reference to a WebGLRenderbuffer class.
Reference to a WebGLShader class.
Reference to a WebGLTexture class.
Reference to a WebGLUniformLocation class.
A widget that displays a google map.
A geographical coordinate (latitude/longitude)
A linear or radial gradient.
A gradient color stop.
Class representing grid-based data for a 3D chart.
A layout manager which arranges widgets in a grid.
A widget which group widgets into a frame with a title.
A layout manager which arranges widgets horizontally.
A widget that shows one of two icons depending on its state.
A proxy model that proxies its source model unmodified.
Enumeration for the role of a subwidget (for theme support)
A widget that displays an image.
A widget that provides in-place-editable text.
An abstract widget that can receive user-interface interaction.
A validator that validates integer user input.
Standard delegate class for rendering a view item.
An item model for use with Wt's view classes.
A class that represents a selection for a WAbstractItemView.
A JavaScript exposable object.
A handle to a JavaScript representation of an object.
Javascript preamble.
A class providing details for a keyboard event.
A label for a form field.
An abstract base class for layout managers.
An abstract base class for implementing layout managers.
An abstract base class for items that can participate in a layout.
An abstract base class for implementing layout managers.
A widget that displays a leaflet map.
A geographical coordinate (latitude/longitude)
A standard leaflet marker.
An abstract marker.
A marker rendered with a widget.
A value class that describes a CSS length.
A validator that checks the string length of user input.
A widget that provides a single line edit.
Utility class that defines a single line.
A value class that defines a hyperlink target.
An external CSS style sheet.
An abstract interface for a loading indicator.
An abstract class that provides support for localized strings.
WMeasurePaintDevice Wt/WMeasurePaintDevice Wt/WMeasurePaintDevice.
A media player.
A resource which streams data from memory.
A widget that shows a menu of options.
A single item in a menu.
A standard dialog for confirmation or to get simple user input.
An index to a data item in a data model.
A class providing details for a mouse event.
A navigation bar.
A simple base class for many JWt classes.
A more obvious loading indicator that grays the window.
The abstract base class for a paint device.
A widget that is painted using vector graphics.
Vector graphics painting class.
An image that can be rendered on a WPainter.
A path defining a shape.
A segment.
A WPanel provides a container with a title bar.
An XHTML to PDF renderer.
A value class that defines the style for pen strokes.
A pie chart.
A value class that defines a 2D point with integer coordinates.
A value class that defines a 2D point.
Represents a single point selection on a WScatterData.
An interactive area in a widget, specified by a polygon.
A menu presented in a popup window.
Base class for popup widgets.
A progress bar.
A widget that represents a push button.
A user control that represents a radio button.
A read-only wrapper for a source model.
A interactive area in a widget, specified by a rectangle.
A value class that defines a rectangle.
A validator that checks user input against a regular expression.
An object which can be rendered in the HTTP protocol.
Values for the disposition type in the Content-Disposition header
Class representing a collection of points for on a 3D chart.
A class providing details for a scroll event.
Represents a selection on a chart.
A selection box allows selection from a list of options.
A value class that defines a shadow style.
A horizontal or vertical slider control.
Enumeration that specifies the location of ticks.
A proxy model for JWt's item models that provides filtering and/or sorting.
A value class to play a sound effect.
An input control for integer numbers.
A split button.
A container widget that stacks its widgets on top of each other.
A WAbstractChartModel implementation that wraps a WAbstractItemModel.
Standard colorMap.
Contains a pair of a numerical value and a WColor.
An item in a WStandardItemModel.
A standard data model, which stores its data in memory.
Standard styling for rendering series in charts.
A localized strings implementation that uses ResourceBundle resource bundles.
A localized string class.
An model that manages a list of strings.
A widget which popups to assist in editing a textarea or lineedit.
A configuration object to generate a matcher and replacer JavaScript function.
Represents a selection on a surface plot.
A paint device for rendering using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
A container widget which provides layout of children in a table grid.
A container widget that represents a cell in a table.
A table column.
A table row.
An MVC View widget for tabular data.
A widget that organizes contents in tab panes.
A widget that renders an XHTML template.
A function interface type.
A collection of predefined functions.
A template-based View class for form models.
An environment for testing purposes.
JWt runtime exception.
A widget that renders (XHTML) text.
A widget that provides a multi-line edit.
A rich-text XHTML editor.
The result of a font metrics computation.
An XHTML renderering engine.
A rendering box of a layed out DOM node.
Abstract base class for themes in JWt.
A Time field editor.
A utility class which provides timer signals and single-shot timers.
A time validator.
A toolbar.
A class providing details for a touch event.
A value class that defines a 2D affine transformation matrix.
Result of a TRSR decomposition.
Result of a TRSS decomposition.
A widget that represents a navigatable tree.
A single node in a tree.
A table with a navigatable tree in the first column.
A specialized tree node which allows additional data to be associated with each node.
A view class that displays a model as a tree or tree table.
The abstract JWt servlet class.
A validator is used to validate user input according to pre-defined rules.
A class that holds a validation result.
A layout manager which arranges widgets vertically.
An abstract paint device for rendering using native vector graphics.
A video-playing widget.
An abstract base class for an MVC view that is rendered using a widget.
An abstract widget that shows a viewport to a virtually large image.
A paint device for rendering using the VML pseudo-standard.
A base class for widgets with an HTML counterpart.
The abstract base class for a user-interface component.
A layout item that holds a single widget.
An abstract base class for implementing layout managers.
WXmlLocalizedStrings is a WLocalizedStrings implementation which uses an XML file as input resource.